Chapter 17

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I bow my head inbetween my knees to cover my ears

"Mana? Are you asleep?"

Mom knocks on door twice. A soft knock. Just to make sure I'm alive and breathing.

It's been three days that I have locked myself inside my room..Mom overlooking her 'no locking the room in my house' rule for once.

I had passed out in basketball court after my interrogation with Adarsh had gone awry. Mom was summoned to college..and by some unknown miracle she remained clueless about my stark nude appearance in photoshoot that was circulating all around at that time. I was somehow spared the debacle of facing people as I waited in office, with Bobby and Komal by my side, till Mom arrived to pick me up. I insisted on leaving through backyard thus escaping the privy eyes of people.

Our family doctor was called to check on me thereafter. He found nothing wrong with me(of course there is nothing wrong with me!) He said I was stressed out and suggested to take rest for couple of days and talk openly to my dear ones if something was bothering me. I told Mom half the truth...I told her about going to pub without her knowledge.

She was off my back for a while but I hadn't completely fooled her though. Last night after dinner (which she forced down my throat), we had a pep girl-to-girl talk. It was actually monotonous conversation where she talked and I listened about how life was unfair at times and no matter how much we think we are lost in dark tunnel there is always a light at the other end and all those cliches. But what if that light at other end of tunnel was actually headlights of train approaching through other side to run over you? I wanted to ask her..but I was shunned by guilt.

I'm just not lost in dark tunnel, I'm burried twenty feet underneath and I'm sinking even deeper inside. I have lost all the spark in my life..I wish the pain.. the doomness just somehow ended. Maybe it will vanish if I finish my life..yes I have come to that point of depression where nothing..absolutely nothing..could give me hope..


My cellphone vibrates under the sheets. I have, for obvious reasons, switched it off for three days..I wanted no contact whatsoever with mortal world...Buzzz..God! I wished I had never switched it on.

I push away the covers to switch it off again..but stop to stare at name of messenger on my mobile screen.


A sharp pain is invoked by fresh wound on my wrenched heart as it starts to bleed again. Betrayal is the feeling dominating over others inside me right now.

Adarsh had sniggered while calling J by his sobriquet name, which I had foolishly assumed no one knew besides me and through me, Komal and Bobby. I feel like stupidest person alive on earth. I was fooled duped..stoned..raped. Fresh tears fill my eyes and soon droplets fall all over my cellphone making the screen blurr..I wipe it off which accidentally opens the message box.

'It's urgent please pick up the phone'

'Manali, I have to talk to u, please!'

The messages are from J. I don't want to talk to him..or to anyone for that matter.

I get down from bed..and by sheer impulse peep out of window. There he stands leaning by his car in driveway looking up at my window. His face spreads into sunny smile upon spotting me as he holds cellphone near his ears. My own phone starts buzzing on bed..and before I could weigh my actions.. I'm answering his call.

"Manali..please come down..this is very serious" J speaks in a dead grave tone which I couldn't possibly ignore even if I want to.

Within next ten minutes I'm in his car and we are heading to..where?

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