Chapter 8

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I open my eyes fearing worst possible scenario but to my utter surprise find Adarsh and J standing still snarling at each other for whole one minute..J refusing to leave Adarsh's hand.

"Not the girls" he grits in highly inaudible voice which I would've easily missed had I not been standing next to him.

And as soon as J leaves Adarsh's wrist, his bodyguards start towards him but Adarsh stops them by raising his hand. They stop dead on track obeying their high command but confusion and frustration is evident on their face as is on everyone's else faces.

Adarsh raises his shirt's collar high, smirks his evil smirk and takes a U-turn. But before he leaves he gives me a smug smile, his dark cold eyes shooting a threatening look saying 'This is not over..this is not over' I shudder looking away.

As the drama comes to unexpected end, everyone begins to disperse whispering among themselves probably wondering just like me 'What the hell just happened?' How on earth the ever mighty Adarsh let J, who not only stopped him but also challenged him openly, go so easily? Some are evidently disappointed by the climax or the lack of it.

J is patting Bobby's back "I know you have justifications for your actions, Bobby" he says in soothing soulful voice looking down at her who has still hung her head so low that it's difficult to see her face.

"But you have to understand that we can always make a choice between right and wrong." he continues "Even though choosing the right thing might at times give you lot of pain" he adds his eyes far set. I couldn't help but wonder was there any hint for me??

"I'm so sorry" Bobby weeps on his shoulders wrapping her arms around him. Somewhere in corner of my heart a faint smoke rises...Bobby gets to hug J!!! But then I remember he saved my life as well..I may not deserve a hug but at least I can get a appreciative smile I think hopefully.

But as I begin to open my mouth he walks past completely ignoring me, like I'm invisible like thin air. I close my open mouth swallowing hard.

I sulk for a moment or two but then turn my attention to more urgent crisis at hand.


"Bob!" I exasperate "Why?"

We are in our domain, that is, Cafeteria, confronting Bobby. We wait patiently as she spents twenty long minutes wetting and drying her cheeks and refilling her tear-stock by consuming two litres of Coke.

"You know how my Dad left us when I was kid" she begins "And how my mom could never get it together?" she asks like she has been discussing her family matter with us all the time when this is first time we are hearing about it in one and half years.

She never spoke about her family. All we know is she lives with her Mom somewhere in South Mumbai. Our slumber parties are either at Komal's or mine house. We never asked her to invite us or invited ourselves at her house..or probed her to talk about her family..until now.

"And how Mom always struggles to meet ends" she continues "My mom.." she hesitates "She..she is never in her right mind...all my childhood was spend running from one place to another.. from clutches of drug dealers..police....but atleast she didn't abandon us like my Dad" she says sniffing her nose.

"Wait.. 'us'?" asks Komal.

" and my little brother" she smiles admist tears.

"You have a brother!!!" I exclaim alarmed..more because Komal and I are single kids and I assumed so is Bobby. It felt like my own mother has hidden my brother somewhere from me till now. Sometimes we live our lives in complete delusion like we think we know the people we spend time with but they can turn out to be complete strangers.

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