Chapter 15

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*Night out*

"What?" Arun asks baffled.

"Komal loves you" Komal is going to kill me.

"You mean Komal Daddiwala?" He quizzes looking surprised. I nod there is only one Komal that I know of..

"Please don't tell her or else I'm dead..please please please" I bemoan in pleas.

"Woah!" He shakes his head taking time to process

"But I don't love her, Manali. I love you".

"Please don't say it" I cover my mouth in hope to stop words falling from his mouth.

"But it's true. I have always loved you..since the first time I saw you walking into the store.."

"Arun..Arun" I cut him short "I don't know what to say" I look lost for words while he looks crestfallen.

" are a great..great guy and I love you.. but.."

"But" he snorts "You know my Grandpa once told life you'll come across two kind of 'but's..first a selfless one 'but..I love you' and second most selfish one..I love you" he pauses to meet my eyes "but.."

" can call me selfish if you want..but I'm being honest with you. I've always loved you.." I hesitate "' a friend"

"Ah!" He cringes like my words physically hit him "And there always this shitty zone to escape to, isn't it? I guess Grandpa didn't had to deal with this during his time but there is terrible 'friend zone' and there is nothing more disheartening for a guy then to be stuck in that zone" he fumes at me.

"Arun" Seriously I'm zoning out here..he isn't taking the heartbreak all that well as I want him to.

"I'm sorry.." he says reading my tone "I've never faced rejection it's difficult to process" he reminiscences modestly making me feel privileged to be that first girl to crush him while my stomach responds loudly.

"Is there anything to eat in your house?" I ask glad to change the subject.

"I don't think so" he responds "But there's local dhaba we can go to if you want" he brushes back his brownish hair.

"If I want? I'm dying here"

"Me too" he says softly.

I jump on my feet to avoid encountering his broken feelings. I contemplate of running away cause that's what I'm good at. But I plod back next to him considering even though I'm the one giving him heartache right now, he is still my friend and I won't turn my back on him.

I watch him intently as he stares ahead..his head reclined backwards..his eyes sad and gloomy. My heart reaches out for him as I wait for him to come out of his sullen mode.

"I know I'm handsome, stop staring at me" he says still looking ahead.

When he turns towards me his face looks determined like he has made up his mind on something. I fear what that might be? But at the same time I feel relieved as at least he is smiling. He gets up on his feet and extends his hand for me to join...I take his hand and as he jolts me up I'm overwhelmed with this urge to give him a hug but then restrain myself.


"Is it because your friend loves me?" He asks seated on wicker charpoy at local dhabba.

"What?" I'm tastefully distracted by amazingly delicious dal fry in my mouth.

"Is your loyalty to Komal holding your feelings back from me?" He elaborates...while hardly touching any food in front of him.

"Arun. I told you I love you but I've never thought of you more than a friend...a great friend. Komal has nothing to do with it...also you've promised me you won't tell anyone about her. She will kill me. I'm serious..I'll be dead meat before you..."

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