Chapter 12

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*Guitar Hall*

"He loves you, doesn't he?"

Komal who is there alongside Arun whispers in my ear.

J loves me???. I'm not so sure. If anything his actions makes me more dazed and confused than anything else. On one hand he keeps helping me any chance he gets..and on other hand he refuses to acknowledge my presence. What does this mean? If he doesn't care about me or I don't matter to him anymore how come he winds up being there for me whenever I need help.

As their impromptu gig gets over, Boyz start signing pieces of paper thrusts to them by some girls in uniform. It is still difficult for me to digest the fact that my Jimmy is now everyone's rockstar J.

I have to talk to him.

I try to push myself through his fangirls..'Leave him alone! He is mine!' wanting to yell at them while doing so.

"That will be it, girls. We'll have to leave now" Rana declares and there is a collective gasps "But don't worry, we'll see you around pretty soon" he assures ushering everyone out.

I force myself back in through the crowd but couldn't move an inch. The hallway is so clustered with all new students from various schools along with us old guys that it is getting claustrophobic. I'm finding it difficult to catch my breath..or to even find Komal and Bobby who were right next to me.

After while I spot the Dirty Boyz scurrying out in hallway. I run behind them. How can I let them go without thanking them?

"Hey! Wait up! I want to talk to you!" I yelp over my lungs and almost run over them while trying to push myself but Sandy steadies me in time.

"Hi there, Manali!" Rocky gives me a hi five. I wasn't exactly prepared for this friendly gesture when I have just witnessed their impact on crowd a while ago. I feel uncomfortable and manage to give an awkward smile in return.

It didn't escape my notice that J's corner of lips has twirled upside in a mock. I haven't forgotten how much he enjoyed this. Teasing me..making fun of me whenever I falter..or embarrass myself before strangers. I feel enraged, my cheeks burning hot thinking of the power he still holds on me even after all this years!

"You were saying?" Rocky probes in a sweet voice..the one Priests uses while hearing a confession in church.

"You guys were amazing..back there..I mean you guys really really rocked!!! It was.."

"Manali" Rana interjects "You do know we are a 'Rock band', don't you?" there is sarcasm rimmed to his voice "What did you expect from us?" he asks rhetorically.

"No, what I meant played in my did you even.."

"No big deal" Rana cuts me short again. God! For once I wish he allowed me to finish my sentence.

"Anyways we wanted a warm up before playing in club tonight" he shrugs.

"Ya, and it was J who suggested we play in your classroom" Rocky fills in "He also wanted to try out his old guitaarrr.." his voice trials catching J's irked expression.

"Old guitar? What happened to the new one?" I question paying attention to the G string hanging over J's shoulder.

"That one.." begins Rocky but J snaps at him "She doesn't need to know about it" he mutters. Rocky immediately shuts up.

On that note J turns his back and without another word starts walking away.. Sandy, Rana follow him.

"Ciao buddy" Rocky ruffles my hair like I'm his little kid sister even though I'm taller than him. He does give me a younger brother vibe though. I had always wished for a younger brother. Being a single kid can sometimes make you lonesome and you begin to search for the same in anyone who treats you well.

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