Chapter 9

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*U R Welcome*

I squint as I look at bright shining sun hidden partially behind the clouds. The day is sunny but not too hot n strong but cloudy n breazy the way I like it. Like God is still deciding on which weather to play. It exactly matches my mood.

"Goooodddd moooornnnning"

I grab Komal's arm as soon as I catch up with her and Bobby in hallway.

"What's so good about this morning?" Komal sulks and I immediately catch her infections brooding mood. Gee, I wish somehow I could teach her how to take it lightly. She has been acting cranky like this ever since she has told me about Arun. No matter how much I assure her that I won't tell anyone she somehow believes that Arun will come to know. I was annoyed at her initially knowing that she won't trust me enough but then I let it go because that's how Komal is..she is proud, confident girl. So it really won't fit her image if some guy comes to know that he can make her go weak in knees, now will it?

At the same time, I really want it to happen! Arun and Komal...they are perfect for each the cliché goes 'Match made in heaven'. Arun's a cool laid back funny guy who perfectly matches Komal's quick hyper witty brain..they are like this jigsaw puzzle snugly fitting into each other.

"Well.. hello!" Bobby snaps her fingers at me "Where u lost at?" she counters.

"Umm..nothing" I look away. I still hate to keep this thing away from Bobby specially when she persistently teases me about how Arun is gaga over me(I'm still clueless about where she got that crazy idea from?)

"Where do u think she gets lost at?" chuckles Komal "In Jimmyland" she giggles out. Finally a chirpy Komal! I think in relief but roll my eyes at her.

We bid her goodbye as we head for our homeroom class.


After a really long time I'm feeling blissful..for no reason whatsoever. Like I'm filled with some kind of mirth of unknown origin..the feeling that u cannot exactly put in words or need a reason to explain.. but it's there assuring u that finally everything is going to be alright....

"Bitch please!"

comes a loud squeaky voice from behind me.

I turn around to see annoying face of Ciara. Not that she has annoying face..she is a beauty in every boy sense(you get the drill) And she indeed is no less then a queen as she is dating our king His Highness Adarsh Yadav..talking about 'Matches made in heaven'..this one is sure made in hell. Ciara is perfect match to Adarsh in every possible way..she is good daughter of hotel typhoon...mean to other less fortunates species like us.

And like every annoying high maintaining piece of ass she has this habit of relentlessly repeating a phrase over n over her case it is..

"Bitch Please"

she says once again..thinking she sounds cool saying it but to me she sounds plain stupid.

She is fuming her perfectly arched brows at me when I realize that I'm blocking her way by standing at doorway (but not by so much as her small ass can't pass..but she likes to make an entrance, you see)

I move aside to let Her Highness enter followed by two wannabe Ciara's flanking by her side. We all take our usual places when our homeroom teacher walks in.

"Good morning class" he addresses loosening cuff buttons of his navy blue shirt pulling over the sleeves. His daily manoeuvre which I know he does it deliberately to get attention of girls. He wants us to swoon over his toned muscles. He is a bachelor and desperate one at that..and he has an privy eye on Ciara..not that he is unaware how dangerous that arena can get.

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