Chapter 4

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*Fan mail*

"He did not"

"He did"

"He did not!"

"He did"

"But how can he?"

I don't know why it is hard for Komal to accept the fact that J dumped me into backyard of our college because he is too embarrassed to be seen with me in campus.

"And how are you taking it?" asks Bob making serious face which seriously is not her best expression.

"I'm fine" I assure them but they look unconvinced.

"I am really fine, guys. In fact, I never felt so relaxed before" I lean forward on table "Look...all this time I was living in illusion that J cares about me, he still thinks about me..blah blah blah..but now I know for sure he doesn't give a damn. I've finally woken up from my dreamland. And that doesn't leave me sad just...relieved" I try to explain to them.

"But you said that he had stopped talking to you all of sudden one day right after his mom died. His mom had died in car accident, right" Komal ponders out loud. I nod in answer.

"So how does it explain his behaviour back then. There has to be some valid reason. One just can't go on from being completely lovable and caring at one point to sudden pain in ass"

"Except if he is suffering from bipolar disorder" adds Bob thoughtfully. I burst out laughing but stifle my giggles as Komal gives me disdainful look.

"Okay look" I try once again "What happened back then is not important. What is important is today, the present time. And presently J doesn't fancy me anymore. This is the bitter truth. It's time I accept it and you should accept too" I say with such calmness that it blows out the wind from Komal, her shoulders dropping as she falls back on chair.

"Guys, I just remembered something, see you in class, Manali" Bob lifts herself up.

"But where you going?" I ask befuddled.

"Just something I need to do.." she whispers to herself "I'll see you around" she waves.

I watch her back as she leaves "Why is Bobby being so mysterious? It is so unlike her" I say to Komal who doesn't seem to be listening to me.

She is struggling to remove something from her bag. "Ah! here it is" she exclaims and puts down her discovery before me: her notepad.

I look at the notepad and back at her. My expressions 'huh?'

"You know what is mightier than sword?" she asks her eyes sparkling in mischief. She holds the ball pen before her eyes "Pen!" She exclaims dramatically.

I have never seen a dramatic Komal before. As I begin to enjoy it she says something that I had never imagined in my wildest dream

"Write a letter to J!" she cries out which sounds like 'Let's go to Goa!' only I would have happily agreed to that.

"Wait..what?" I've never heard anything more preposterous in my life.

"Manali do you realise, you spend entire two hours sitting besides a guy whom you were dying to get a chance to talk to since eight years, MUTELY " she emphasises on last word.

I get it okay? I got numb before him. It's not as easy as its seems and it is pointless to explain this to outspoken Komal

"It wasn't exactly two hours you see, we reached in like forty minutes. Boy, does that car knows how to speed" I say drastically failing in my attempt to divert her mind.

Meri Aashiqui tumse hiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora