Chapter 13

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*See you around*

~Manali's POV~

"What are you doing here?"

J asks holding me steady by clutching my arms little more firmly than necessary.

It hurts.

Not as much physically as emotionally to see him worried about me and pretend otherwise. It hurts to see him draw this invisible line between us and try hard to keep himself from crossing it.

It just hurts to look at those angelic eyes.

I'm not surprised to find him here, though. I had this hunch that I was being followed by someone, specially after I stepped in this vicinity.

"Why do you care?" I retort lifting my chin to meet his eyes.

"I don't" he narrows his eyes loosening his grip slightly "I was little startled to meet you here,that's all" he lets me go.

"So, what were you doing here again?" he asks pointing at Guitar Hall which I have finally managed to locate with help of Arun who ended his call abruptly like he was in a rush to go somewhere.

"I'm buying guitar for a friend" I draw a huff.

"Friend?" he raises his brow "And does this 'friend' of yours know about this?" he smiles smugly playing along.

"He'll come to know eventually" I say shrugging my arms "It's a gift..from me to him" I mumble.

"Gift?" He remarks intrigued.

"Actually this friend of mine is a nutcase, a 'weirdo' would be right way to put it" I say frowning while J starts cracking up...his smile feels like breath of fresh air after all the dark, brooding vibe he usually emits.

"What makes you think he is a weirdo?" He chortles out a laugh. I'm unsure if he is aware the third person we are talking about is actually him.

"Yes.. he has this habit of helping me out whenever possible without my asking and when I try to show him any gratitude he acts like he doesn't I don't matter to him. So this is my way of showing him my gratitude" I stop rambling when I see his look intensifying.

"He doesn't need it, you know" he whispers softly "The only thing that makes him happy is to see his friend always smiling" he sighs holding my gaze a second longer than necessary.

Please don't do this..

I pull away my eyes unable to meet his any longer...and let him control my nerves..every sense of my body.

"Nevertheless, I'm buying that guitar for him" I say in ultimatum and begin inside the shop when he stops me by holding my hand. His touch makes thousands of butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"Have you thought that your friend may not like such extravagant gifts?" he furrows his brows.

"Well, he has to. Because he has left me with no choice" I smile wickedly.

"Manna" he blocks my way "There is no way I'm going to let you buy me anything" he says putting an end to our little pretentious game and turning all serious in an instant.

"Too bad as I've already made up my mind" I say almost sticking my tongue out. Well almost. It feels nice arguing with him after a decade of forced silence.

"Manali, look" he pleads joining his both hands in clasp in prayer mode looking like a frustrated teacher explaining complicated formula to his thick-headed student

"I don't need you to do me any favor, okay? The only favor you can do to me right now is go back home safely before it gets too late" He is even sounding like one of teachers.

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