Vol. 1/ Ep. 2: Annoying Pro-Heroes & Meeting Fuyumi Todoruki

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No Pov.

=====Outside of Union City, Ethan's Cabin<======

The Pro-Heroes found Ethan's house and they nodded together as they walking towards his home.


=====>Ethan's House<========

Ethan is relaxing inside his house, and he is reading his comics of Kamen Rider Zero-One. But heard a knock on his outside door in the front porch. He took a peek in his window and saw a group of All might and his team outside his porch, his eyes are curious about them. 

Ethan: *curious* How did they locate my house, but who sent them here? I better check it out before things might go wrong. 

He walked towards the door and opened it and it was All Might, Midnight, Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods and Endeavor.

 Lady, Kamui Woods and Endeavor

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