"Go let your mother in, babe." Nona Ellie says to me.

I head to the door mind reeling, opening it to reveal Mama leaden with take-out.

"Did you snatch all the food the poor guy was carrying?" I ask not even surprised.

"No, I also paid for it."

"Mama, those were people's orders." You bully!

"They will wait."

"Is your father here yet?" She asks, laying everything on the counter, not in the least surprised by the people she found there.

"Mor, Killian, child, please have a seat and forgive her manners. She's a bit prickly."

"You don't say," Mor mutters.

"OK, how in fates did you lot find my daughter?" Nona asks.

"We tracked her to the bar, then followed her here." Mor answers since BH seemed to have been struck dumb.

"What is going on?" I ask.

They all exchange glances.

"Mama, is there something I should know?" I turn to ask her when I get no answers to my prior question.

"Go on, Selene, it's about time she knew," Nona says.

My anxiety is off the charts and I gesture for Blue to come to me. He was my anchor, after all.

"Let's wait for Raphael, he's almost here," Mama answer wringing her hands. Was she nervous? That would be a first.

The mood suddenly changes and Blue feels it and scrambles from my lap, rushing off to God knows where.

I guess you can't really be content sitting on laps that just couldn't stop shaking.

"Do you guys hear that?"

Mor's voice pulls me from my musings.

"No, what?"

Then I hear it, "Ah jeez," I say, running towards the basement, which I had converted into a dance studio.

"Blue, baby, now is not the time," I say heading for the music system which was blasting Wave by ATEEZ, to turn it off.

"But you are sad, Mama, and when you're sad you dance."

"I know baby, but I can't today."

He pouts, totally taking advantage of his cuteness.

"Don't make that face, boy, we really can't sweetheart."

Blue rushes off to change the song on the tab usually attached, and I burst out laughing.

"You know my weakness, baby, but no."

He ignores me and starts jamming to the first beats of Mic Drop by BTS, nailing J-Hope's footwork to a T. I taught him well.

He alternates between tagging on my leg and flying/hopping around me until I finally give in.

"OK, OK, go start it again."

Once the song starts again, I take a deep breath and let go.

Maybe I needed this. Yeah, after the day I'd had, I totally needed this.

Did you see my bag?

Did you see my bag?

"No cursing, baby," I jump in laughing when his face scrunches up.

Whatchu think about that,

Bet it got my haters...


"Mama, you are ruining it," he grumbles.

At this point, we are just jumping around yelling, oblivious to everything, until the music is suddenly cut off.

"Hey! Rude!" We both shout simultaneously then bump fists.

"Sometimes I wonder which of you is the parent." This comes from Mama making me turn only to realize we had an audience.

"How long have you guys been standing there?" I ask, not embarrassed in the least.

"Long enough to confirm you are whipped for that boy," answers Nona.

"Just so you know I am an amazing mum, right baby?" I turn to Blue, who is still pouting.

I pointedly avoid Mor and BH addressing the menacing man leaning at the door.

"Papa, hi?"

"Hey baby girl, don't let these people rain on you. It makes me happy to see you two like this."

Blue suddenly disappears from my side and reappears on Papa's shoulders.

Well then, that was new.

We all stare at him in shock.

"I won't even bother trying to figure out what he is now," Papa says, turning to head back to the living area.

Honestly, Papa, I gave up after the wings sprung on his back, I muse trudging along.

MAGE CHRONICLES: THE BEGINNINGWhere stories live. Discover now