•Chapter 41•

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Mortem was going to be staying with me the entire day only he'll be invisible, percy quickly made his way to the Gryffindor table as me, pansy and maleficent walked over to the ravenclaw table already seeing Hannah and susan there. I knew with one look into my eyes they immediately knew it happened to me too, susan opened her arms while I cried slightly into her arms "Your Aunt knows, she took him away last night" I whispered once I stopped crying.

Before she could reply the doors were thrown open, in walked Lucius, Shade, a pissed off Perseus, An enraged molly, a pissed off lord Bulstrold followed by An angry Amelia, "friends what brings you here?" Dumbles asked in his fake grandfatherly tone . Each ignored him making their way up to the front before turning to face us "last night Mr.Lockhart was arrested for raping a fellow student, he has done this to more girls in the past, It is due to the fact the governors were in the castle to apprehend them. He has also confessed to fraud and will be trialed, due to Christmas break being only a few days away the board has agreed to cancel all D.A.D.A classes until the new year where an auror put on medical leave will teach the rest of the year that is all" Amelia said getting rid of the Sonorus as the hall exploded into yells."He's gone" Padma said in awe "I told you he won't ever hurt you again" I replied smiling at the girls as we finished eating our food.

Teachers table:
"He did what?!" Minerva was the first one to come out of her shock "who did he harm" Sprout demanded wanting to know if it was one of her badgers "Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Padma Patil, Lisa Turpin, Pansy Parkinson, Maleficent Bulstrold and Carina Evans-Potter-Black " Amelia said seeing the three heads of house shaking in anger as was the two present fathers and herself. "The poor girls" sprout sobbed "that bastard" flitwick hissed 'how dare he harm my snakes' Severus thought glaring at the wall "why were the Gryffindor's spared?" McGonagall asked getting everyone's attention as they wanted to know too, "he said he didn't like one's that faught back, and Gryffindors were the one's most likely to fight" amelia said hatefully wishing she could harm him further "I will be needing all of your house elves Dumbledore" amelia said.

"Why?" He asked truly confused "the only way he was able to trick any of them was by having a house elf pour drugged tea in front of them giving the illusion that it was safe to drink" Amelia explained getting horrified looks from the teachers "how do we help them ?" Sprout asked "be there for them when they wish to talk, they just talk to each other but if they do talk to you don't force or push the truth out of them" Amelia said looking over to her neice laughing with the other girls.

Time flew by in a snap as we walked into the house "oh sis" siri said pulling me into a hug that remy joined "I'm ok now padfoot" I replied with a teary smiled "honestly" I reassured seeing the look in his eyes "Good because tomorrow you'll be getting on a flight to paris and enjoy the winter ball they'll be hosting as well" siri said cheerfully, I was making an amazing impression of a fish opening and closing my mouth trying to see is sirius was well being serious, "we agreed it would be nice to take a trip just us mates " bucky said. "You be home before school starts mommy " I heard hela say getting noises of agreement from the others "alright" I relented , going upstairs to pack.

"What's wrong lokes?" I asked seeing him stare at the closet, "nothing, Ria" he said a little too quickly,  looking in the direction he was looking I noticed it was my section of the closet , immediately I knew what was wrong "you can come out lola, no one's going to hurt or judge you here and no one outside of this house will even be able to tell the difference, it's safe" I said softly pulling her to me when I saw the tears well up. "Promise?" She asked in a broken voice that broke my heart "I promise sweetheart, no one not even our pups will judge you babygirl" I promised, smiling as I felt her head nod before the green simmer only lola could do enveloped her leaving in it's spot a 5'3 girl with long jet black hair.

"Beautiful, as always " I said truthfully looking her over  "riiii" lola whined as her cheeks turned red from blush "let's get you changed doll face" I said leading her into the closet "here put this on babygirl" I said handing her the outfit and shoes

"Beautiful, as always " I said truthfully looking her over  "riiii" lola whined as her cheeks turned red from blush "let's get you changed doll face" I said leading her into the closet "here put this on babygirl" I said handing her the outfit and ...

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"Put this on dove" lola said handing me an outfit "alright babydoll" I replied enjoying the permanent blush on her face

"Let's go make our mates drool" I said linking arms with lola, before walking down the stairs "hey doll are you all ready to goo

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"Let's go make our mates drool" I said linking arms with lola, before walking down the stairs "hey doll are you all ready to goo.." bucky asked before stopping jaw dropping at the sight of lola before a gleeful look took place "lovely to see you again lola doll" he said with a smirk kissing both of our hands "percy, when you finally pick your jaw back up, come say hi to lola" bucky said making us both turn giggling at the shocked face of our mate. "Hi lola, ria" Mortem said giving us both a kiss on the cheek, "woah who's the hot chick" Siri said as he entered the room with the others "Mommy!" The kids exclaimed running over to hug lola and me "loki!" Siri asked shocked "lola siri, it's lola right now" I said getting a nod from the him .

"See you soon little one's" I said to the kids hugging them goodbye as we boarded the privet jet "bye mom, mama, dad, papa, dada" the kid's chorused "be good for your uncles" I said as the door closed
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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