•Chapter 40•

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Amelia's eyes darkened as she turned to the man still stuck to the wall "castrare" she cast the spell enjoying the pained scream, once she took a vial of my memories she grabbed and cuffed Lockhart leaving through the floo, the dirty feeling returned with a vengeance making my skin feel prickly "we'll get started on looking for a replacement" the boys stated "shade, speak with Amelia I don't want Dumbledore able to sweep this under the rug, the students and staff need to be alerted " I replied hating how afraid I felt being in the presence of more men other then my mates "of course my lady" he said quickly leaving through the floo. "Lucius tell the boys, they're gonna want to know where I am" I stated receiving a nod before he left to "momma can you collect the vials for me please" I asked allowing some of my vulnerability to show "of course sweetie" she replied.

Once they left Mortem left returning with bucky who had a questioning look on his face, once inside the slytherin common room it looked as though everyone she knew in Slytherin was there including a couple of girls . Pansy Parkinson and Maleficent Bulstrold stepped forward pulling me into an embrace and I broke down letting go of the tight grip I had on my emotions taking in the comfort only those who went through the same thing could offer, I ignored the fact my shirt was getting soaked as they let their mask down to needing the comfort just as much "come on, let's get you to a bath" pansy said in a knowing tone pulling me into my rooms.

Once the door closed loki and bucky were the first to speak first "what happened" bucky asked "that bastard rapped her" percy growled "he did WHAT?!?" The quidditch team asked jumping to their feet furious , they loved her like a little sister, Loki's and Bucky's eyes flashed showing the angered beings within  "where is he" loki demanded "Madam Bones took him in" Percy said glaring at the wall "he used a couple of  muggle rape drugs which have a very drastic reaction to magical people" mortem continued. Everyone quieted down however when the sounds of heartbreaking sobs could be heard coming from the room the trio entered.

Carina almost shredded her clothes off the moment the door was closed "I can still feel him" she cried tearing her clothes further, "I know Sweetie, let us help you" maleficent said helping to take my skirt off while pansy Started the shower making sure it was scalding hot. Once undressed I all but ran into the shower gladly taking the scrubber from pansy, I started scrubbing my legs crying as no matter how much I scrubbed or how much my body turned red I still felt him "I just want it gone" I cried sliding to the floor shaking as both wrapped their arms around me uncaring of their clothes getting soaked "It didn't go away for me for a couple of days, everywhere I went I felt his touch on me, felt the pain and terror every night" pansy spoke "I felt so dirty, so used" maleficent spoke "completely and utterly helpless, like it'll never end " I said staring at the tile "we'll get through this" pansy said.

"He's done this to others our age as well " I said, "seems he liked our age group best" I added bitterly "who?" Pansy asked "Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Padama Patil and Lisa Turpin " I said "we should meet up tomorrow, we wouldn't be alone" maleficent said getting nods from the two of us "I over head draco, say you had mates" pansy said "yes, bucky, loki, percy and mortem" I said answering her unasked question. "They may be able to help " maleficent said "how?, They won't want me now" I said feeling tears well up in my eyes "you don't know that, percy and Mortem looked inclined to glue themselves to you for the foreseeable future" pansy said getting a small laugh from me "they could smother you in their scent replace his and everything about him with them" maleficent said answering my question "can you please leave and send them in, I wanna be in my nest" I said my voice sounding small and weak to even my own ears "of course hunny" they replied quickly leaving as I left the shower and moving into my nest that was compiled of clothing and bedding that had my mates and brothers scents.

The mates immediately stood up when pansy and maleficent left the room "Do you still love her" pansy asked turning to look at them with a glare "without a doubt" all four said in unison "then go in there and prove it, she needs her mates, she's in her nest" maleficent informed before both girls turned and headed to their dorm. The mates ran into the room and followed the scent of their mate, only her scent was different it smelled rotten and sour indicating just how sad/hurt their mate truly was. "The pups are fine?" Bucky asked as they moved towards the closet while changing into their adult forms "they were stressed and freaking out , she couldn't send any magic to them so me and mortem did to help them calm down" mortem said grimly knowing just how close he came to losing his daughters.

"Baby?" Bucky called "Jamie" I called using the nickname I gave him, taking that as the invitation it was the mates immediately entered the nest surrounding me as their scents were released "we're here now baby, and nothing will happen to you ever again" Bucky said "I tried calling for you but you didn't come, you didn't answer mort" I cried, feeling all four stiffen before waves of guilt and sadness came through the mate bond "oh pup" mortem said wrapping his arm around me as I cried for what seemed like the dozenth time today, slowly the feeling of his hands were washed away being replaced by my mates, I wasn't ready to go all the way, it was to soon but they reassured me stating they were ok with waiting till I was ready.
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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