•Chapter 39•

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"Yes he is alive, I brought him back last year" I responded enjoying the way all three of them disregarded their pureblood mask completely "Why hasn't he summoned us yet and I'm Perseus Parkinson" Perseus said Introducing himself "Due to a bad ritual he fell into madness during the previous war not to mention spending 10 years as a wraith, he's taking this year to learn all that has happened in the last decade as well as organize his thoughts on why he became a dark lord in the first place " I explained. "Shade Greengrass, and what are his goals " he asked "Equality in magic you can't have one without the other there needs to be balance, magical Orphanages and check ins with those in muggle homes to make sure their not being abused and if they are extraction and placing them into our orphanages to be adopted, rights for creatures and beings, bringing back the olde traditions, magical primary schools to have muggle borns, half bloods and purebloods taught together " I explained the primary goals.

"What do you require of us my lady?" Lucius asked "find the others, those who managed to avoid Azkaban, I want to know which are more bloodthirsty and who will remain loyal when blood shed becomes minimal, don't worry about Severus Snape, I'll handle him" I ordered receiving nods from the three of them "Now in the meantime FIND A WAY TO GET RID OF LOCKHART!" I exclaimed watching the three go pale before nodding quickly, soon after I left heading back to my room for some much needed rest.

"Ms.Potter detention!" Lockhart shouted after hearing me mutter about him being a fraud for the billionth time, my eyes zero'd in on a couple of girls from ravenclaw who flinched when he said detention, rage flared up inside me 'that vile man has already taken away two girls innocents' I thought fighting the urge to just kill him now and be done with it. Ignoring the small trickle of fear I looked up glaring at him , till the bell rang where I made a bee line for the two girls who seemed determined to talk to me "Don't go to his detention!" Lisa Turpin said "He's evil!" Padma Patil continued "He harmed you " I stated softly watching both of them flinch before nodding "I'll make sure he never harms you again, all I ask is a vile of the memory so I can show them to Madam Bones " I said.

"Alright, we'll get one's from Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones as well " Lisa said shocking me that it was more then the two of them, I could only nod watching them leave a bout of fear washed over me before I shoved it to the back of my mind 'he won't hurt me' I said giving myself a pep talk ignoring the foreboding feeling in the pit of my stomach. I went to the rest of my classes ignoring the uneasy feeling settling in my stomach "do you have to go to that detention?" bucky asked for the twelfth time "Yes, I have to show up else I get called up to dumbles office" I said shivering slightly at the mear thought of being anywhere near that place.

"Come in Ms.Potter" Lockhart said as I knocked on the door "Would you like some tea?" He asked as a house elf popped in "Yes " I agreed thinking there's no harm with drinking something a house elf brought as none of them could or would harm a student.
Taking a seat I sipped the tea wrinkling my nose slightly "It tastes a little salty" I said placing the half empty cup on the table "Ah, my apologies, it's a muggle tea blend" Lockhart replied making me nod slightly trying to get rid of the sudden dizziness "such amazing inventions those muggles make, including this tea GHB and Rohypnol" lockhart continued gaining a smirk 'Ive heard that name before where....."' I thought ignoring Lockhart as I tried to think of where I heard the name form it when it clicked 'date rape drugs, had the added effect of feeding off of magic and making it harder to fight' but it was too late as I felt ropes bounding my arms and legs to the Desk.

Panic rose in my sluggish body as my magic was fighting against the drugs in my system 'death help' I reached out but felt nothing like something was blocking my connection "This will teach you your place" I heard lockhart say but his voice sounded far away, a sudden pain erupted indicating he was already inside of me. I screamed hoping my mates could hear me as my magic continued to fight against the drugs not a lot to spare to get him away , in a panicked effort I shot what little magic I had to spare towards the marks hoping at least one of them could help me.

I must have blacked out as I awoke with a start to the door being slammed open relief flooded my system as I saw the three and a murderous looking percy , the drugs were quickly pushed out of my system as all four sent wave after wave of magic into me as Lucius threw Lockhart to the way and bounding him there. The first to reach me was Percy who immediately vanished the ropes and pulling me into his arms as I cried my eyes out "Lucius get Madam Bones here now, Shade get Molly, Perseus bring  pomphrey" I heard percy order as I burrowed further into his arms "Percy, I'm sorry, I thought it would be ok to drink the tea because I saw a house elf pour it, I didn't know it was drugged already! Please don't leave me" I begged feeling hysterical and extremely dirty "Shhh love it is not your fault, you didn't nothing wrong, he will pay for his actions" Percy growled tightening his hold on me as the door opened only to reveal molly and the others.

"MOM!" I cried running straight into her arms, shaking completely "oh sweetie " she said hugging me tightly a thought came into my head causing me to stiffen "MY BABIES!" I screamed turning to the only known nurse "what?" She asked confused as did everyone else aside from molly who looked concerned for me and percy who stiffened up next to me "Check to see if my kids are ok" Percy growled his eyes darkening "Right away" she stampered running multiple test as everyone stayed quiet. "Their stressed out, the drugs took a lot out of your magic, they need the magic of their father" pomphrey explained once done.

"MORTEM!" I screamed instantly relaxing as he stepped out of the shadows scaring most of the occupants before moving to my other side as both sent wave after wave of magic "Can you explain what happened Ms.Potter" Amelia asked being the first to get out of her stupor "I was given detention for calling him a fraud, he offered me tea and I thought it was safe to drink as I watched the house elf pour my drink, he said that it was a muggle blend GHB and Rohypnol it took a few moments for it to connect but he had already tied me down " I explained tears welling up in my eyes  "There were others, they warned me but I thought I could stop it" I continued crying "Who Ms.Potter?" Amelia asked "Padma Patil, Lisa Turpin , Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones" I said watching as Amelia stiffened at her nieces name.
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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