•Chapter 25•

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I just realized that the first quidditch game doesn't happen till after Halloween, meaning we'll be time turning to a few days before hand
It was finally the day for tom to get his body back, my magic felt stronger as the veil weakened. We agreed to do it just before midnight as my powers would be near peak at that point, I know many participate in the samhain ritual and I also knew it would be more charged with the litteral embodiment of death. I shadowed to the corridor right by the room of requirements where I asked tom to meet "ready to do this?" I asked as he stepped into the room "as ready as I will ever be" he muttered watching as I painted the floor with the needed ruins, the roof vanished allowing the room to be flooded with the rays of a full moon, once he laid down I started chanting pulling on my necromantic powers and a little of the moon's power. Soon enough a body started forming to the side as I used the soul shard of the diary to lead the way in terms of what he looked like, once his body was complete I slowly pulled out every soul shard aside from mine and the once locket before pulling Tom's soul out of quirell and pushing it into the new body. Sighing in relief when he took an inhale of breath, "right now keep up your end of the deal" I spoke leaving the room, I knew he had a plan to continue teaching as quirell so I wasn't bothered.

~an abandoned corridor ~
~ dungeons ~
I was surprised by some of the people showing up for the ritual, namely the weasleys, and Zacharias Smith. Carefully I pushed my magic into the ritual everyone gasped at the influx of magic in the room, I closed my eyes and opened them to see myself in deaths castle I smiled watching as draco talked to his grandparents, theo talked to his mother, blaise talked to his father, ron and his brothers talked to their grandparents and uncles and to my surprise the two eldest sons and arthur and molly were there as well. Nev pulled me in the direction where bucky and loki went, I smiled as I saw bucky holding on to his mother from his past life as well as loki was doing the same to his mother, I turned slightly my breath catching as I saw my parents in this life as well as Pandora, frank and alice talking and laughing with siri, remy and the kids. I smiled encouraging nev to talk to his parents while I walked over to the others, the kid's were first to see me "MAMA!" they yelled running into my arms gaining the others attention, I was thankful for the fact each family was in their own bubble unable to hear or see anyone but their family as I was tackled to the ground by the 4 kids. I laughed "hi pups" I smiled standing back up greeting siri and remy before turning to my parents, I froze as I was suddenly in a hug, a once familiar scent of the quidditch pitch and flowers hit my noise "your still our daughter" mom said "no matter what universe or age" dad continued and I broke down in their arms crying as I finally got the love I always yearned for. We soon pulled away and I was pulled into a different hug this time by Alice and frank "thank you for raising our son, you make an amazing mom" alice spoke in my ear, I smiled and just hugged them tighter looking over to Pandora she smiled "thank you for rescuing luna, I couldn't have asked for a better mom for her" she spoke. Bucky and loki both brought their mothers over to the group "mom/ mother this is my mate carina and bucky/loki" they said at the same time "nice to meet you mrs.barnes, queen frigga" I spoke bowing slightly "none of that dear your family" frigga spoke, I nodded "call me sue" Bucky's mom said "Frigga, Sue meet your grandchildren Neville, Peter, Luna, Hela and James" I said pointing to each child, dad looked absolutely pleased that we had named a kid after him, "these are my brothers Sirius and his husband Remus, my aunt and uncle Alice and Frank Neville's birth parents, Pandora my little moon's mom and my mom Lily and my dad James" I spoke introducing the rest of the family. We spent the rest of the time just chatting away and some good natured threatening to my mates from my dad and uncle.

~ day after quidditch game ~
Even though our next game wasn't till January I figured I could also get actual practice in while tormenting them. "Your late" I spoke glaring at the chaser trio releasing a portion of my magic, the three looked fearful "sorry ma'am" "lost track of time ma'am" "won't happen again ma'am" all three started apologizing "for your tardiness I want 10 laps around the pitch running and no magical help, miles come here " I ordered watching as they all started running around the field before turning to the keeper "Now you were great last game but I think we can do better, I'm going to charm the quaffle to fly like it would in an actual game and I want you to try to stop every one, it's ok if you don't get all that's what practice is for go" I spoke watching as he flew up to the post before opening the box and charming the buldger, thankfully I spoke to madam hooch before hand and she gave me permission to "do what ever I saw necessary" to stop the cheating. I watched as each of them were out of breath by the third and fourth lap, not wishing any to collapse on the first day of their punishment I told them to stop after their fifth, I also waved down miles and gave each of them a cold bottle of water causing many to look at me confused "I'm trying to teach you a lesson not send you to an early grave" I spoke looking at those shocked by my kindness "now I want you two to work on hitting a bludger at these dummies with out fatally or extreme harm, they will glow red if you have and green if you don't, by the next match I only want to see these dummies glowing green and as punishment for the game you'll be searching up every injury and fatality from bludgers in professional quidditch I want that by the next game" I ordered looking at the two as my magic swarmed around them, both quickly nodded I turned to the trio "You three will be working on teamwork, relying on each other and resisting the urge to steal other people's equipment, you'll be passing the ball back in forth Against dummies, your goal is to try to get a hoop without hurting miles as his job is to stop you and I want you Adrian to research about every injury and death in quidditch at Hogwarts due to cheating or being overly rough from the 12-13 century, Marcus you'll be doing 14-15 century and Terrence you'll be doing 16-17 now get to moving " I ordered watching as each went to do their task
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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