•Chapter 26•

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I walked into the common room after plastering the new training schedule on each of the player's doors.  I looked out to the lake smiling and waving at the giant squid, feeling presences behind me I turned around only to be faced with 4 8th years "If your here to "show me" my place as a halfblood, it won't work for a multitude of reasons 1. You wouldn't even be able to lay a hand or spell on me before I wipe the floor with you, 2. I'm a pureblood not a halfblood, 3. I can be your worst nightmare" I spoke flashing my eyes red and releasing my magic, smirking as the four quickly left. "This is our training schedule?" Marcus asked as he quickly made his way downstairs followed by the rest "yes, I already spoke to Wood, Diggory and Davis, so as to not have a fight over who got the pitch I devised a system Gryffindor gets it Monday afternoon and Tuesday night, Ravenclaws get it Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday night, Hufflepuff gets it Wednesday afternoon and Thursday night and we get it Thursday and Friday night, now Saturdays are our game days so that is given to whichever team are playing in the next game for example ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are playing in two weeks so Hufflepuff gets the field till lunch and Ravenclaw gets the field after lunch, Sundays are our day's off" I explained looking at the empressed looks of the group "How in the hell did you get Oliver "Married to quidditch" Wood to agree to this" Marcus asked "I just told him that it would be an absolute shame to lose a game because the team was run ragged and who knows what would happen if a pair of sleep deprived Weasley twins decided to get back at the one who caused it" I spoke with a shrug "remind me to stay on her good side" Terrance stage whispered to Marcus, I just smirked.

Unexpectedly the other three captains gave me the majority of the credit for the schedules, which meant I had players coming up to me to thank me from saving them from over sore muscles and loss of sleep, the most dramatic were of course the Gryffindor's it started with the three chaser Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell who were apparently waiting outside of the Slytherin's common room. "May we help you three?" Marcus spoke with an eyebrow raised, all three quickly stood up before bowing to me "Oh Mighty Lady Potter-Black, we wonder if you'll allow us peasants to escort you to the Dinning Hall" Angelina spoke all three had matching grins, "I think my lady would love that" loki spoke moving to stand beside me grinning down at me unrepentantly "Very well" I spoke resigned to my fate, sending a weak glare at the boys as they laughed silently. The team was a step behind us as loki was to my left and the three chasers were infront guiding me to the hall, once at the door they threw them open only for a banner to be released from the ceiling "ALL HAIL THE GLORIOUS CARINA POTTER-BLACK THE ONLY PERSON ABLE TO CONVINCE OUR CAPTAIN TO A DAY OFF" In big letters and of course the demon twins themselves threw themselves to the floor by my feet followed by the three "we're not worthy" they repeated while bowing to me like one would a god. The boys snickered behind me while loki didn't hide his amusement and to add the cherry on top Bucky kneeled before me professing his undying love for me , "Rise my subjects and enjoy your meal" I spoke "I'll be getting my revenge on you two soon" I added under my breath taking a seat with dray, theo and blaise making sure loki couldn't sit next to me "looks like somebody's in the dog house" dray muttered "yes , as certain somebody's know how I feel about public announcements of this kind" I spoke looking at my two mates "and I will be getting even" I continued enjoying the way both paled.

I was walking down the hall when I came across a group of snakes surrounding something, a closer look showed it to be a person, a red headed person "Hey leave him alone!" I shouted releasing my magic "I'll be dealing with y'all later" I said harshly watching as they left before checking in on the red head 'Its percy' I thought looking at the bruised boy "are you alright?" I asked looking him over to see if there was any serious injuries "I'm fine" he said harshly pulling away. I flinched slightly at the tone causing his expression to soften "I'm used to it, I'm sorry for yelling at you" he spoke sighing "It's ok I know you did not mean to, you shouldn't have to get used to it, I'll deal with them but let me heal you first" I spoke placing my hand on his head and pushing some of my magic into him to help heal. Once done our eyes connected and a bond snapped into place 'he imprinted ' I thought broadcasting my thought to loki and bucky 'it'll be ok love, if it ends up being romantic we'll just welcome him to the group ' loki thought back 'we support you doll' bucky continued, I sent my gratitude and love back to them before realizing percy had Been talking "I am so sorry, god I'm such a freak, I can't believe I just forced a bond with you, I'm so sorry" his ramblings hit my ears and I immediately placed my hand over his mouth "I don't mind having the bond, you are NOT a freak and you didn't force a bond you imprinted " I spoke trying to calm him down "imprint?" He asked confused "Your a rare species of wolves known as the shifters they originated before the colonies in America as protectors against their version of vampires known as the cold ones, An imprint is what the wolf deems is your perfect match kind of like a soulmate only different as they aren't required to be a couple, you'll be a protector, friend basically anything I need you as" I explained sitting next to him against the wall as I finished healing him "You know what I am " he asked hopeful, I knew that magical Britain banned all books about shifters as it showed a different type of wolves that were friendly and not the blood thirsty beast they made them out to be and they didn't like that one bit "yes, I even happen to know where a group of shifters are" I added, I could see hope shinning in his eyes, he lunged forward kissing me breathless before pulling away "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I-" he stopped at the smile on my face "It's ok, we can see them in the summer time" I spoke
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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