•Chapter 60•

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Major Time skips, this is the last chapter, there will be a sequel

Carina grinned at the righteous fury brimming through the entire castle, the latest daily prophet being passed around the hall

Albus Dumbledore condemns savior and others to abuse, amongst other things!
By Rita Skeeter

You read that Right folks, over the past months we've been informed of the once thought great Albus Dumbledore that could do no wrong, has a much more evil agenda.
From recorded at proven cases of rape against past students of his, to knowingly allowing children to be in abusive families.

"A family friend had taken us to gringotts to be checked for anything, it was discovered that my husband had multiple compulsions and blocks on him, while I did as well with signs of rape and obliviate, My daughter was the result of that and my husband agreed to blood adopt her as well "Molly Weasley nee Prewitt said as One of the woman to come forward. 20 woman have came forward but it is estimated to be a higher number as Dumbledore Obliviated hia victims, Gringotts urges all women who have been to Hogwarts with dumbledore as either staff or headmaster, to get a test done, free of charge, they also extend this to the men to get checked for any blocks or compulsions.

"I begged Dumbledore to help me, I showed him the marks my father had left but he turned me away, saying "I should stop lying, and I needed to stop making things up " Severus Snape had to say. "When I first went to gringotts I had a check up done, I had multiple compulsions along with blocks on my core and creature inheritance, and proof that dumbledore was paying my relatives to "beat me into submission"" Carina Potter said

More on the rape case see pg.2
Pictures and memories see Pg.3-8

McGonagall lept to her feet "YOU DID WHAT!?!" she yelled advancing on the man, everyone startled as the doors were banged open watching as Lucius Malfoy walked in with aurors behind him, followed by a goblin team and the inner circle "Albus Dumbledore, by Order of the Minister, you are hereby Arrested, sentencing postponed to a later date" Lucius read in an almost giddy voice. Dumbledore stood to his feet "Fawkes!" He called smirking as he flashed away, standing up I made my way to the front "SHUT IT!" I yelled getting everyone's attention as I shifted to My adult form causing everyone who didn't know to gasp.

"Those of you 14 and under and those who don't wish to fight go to your common rooms immediately" I instructed watching as most of the hall left, once I felt all of them in their common rooms I sealed their entrances with magic to ensure they were protected, tom came to stand next to me giving me a quick kiss. "Ms-" McGonagall began confused "Lyra, I'll explain it later but right now we need to prepare for a fight, he'll be back by tomorrow at the latest " I responded, "Alright what is the plan" she asked resolve hardening with desire to protect the students and the castle "Twins, Map" I ordered unraveling the map taking notice of the awed look appearing on Flitwick's face "You can look at it later professor" I said with a small smile.

"Filch keep an eye on the map, call out if any appear inside, Flitwick, and McGonagall you'll be on the battlefield, madam pomphrey and Severus your in charge of the infirmary, be ready for any of us in need. Sprout put the more deadly and man eating plants on the lawns, Slughorn patrol the dungeons in case anyone manages to get there, Trelawney patrol the seventh floor, Sinatra 6th floor, babbling 5th, burbage 4th,  Pince 3rd, Hooch 2nd, vector 1st, Hagrid I need you to talk to the giant squid and Aarogar about helping us " I instructed "PEEVES!" I yelled watching as the poltergeist entered being "ALL GHOST COME HERE!" Tom yelled, once all of them appeared including Myrtle and Helena I started talking "Hogwarts is being threatened, Albus Dumbledore has been forced out, but he will be back" I said watching their reactions, the bloody baron stepped forward "Peeves, I give you full rein, Helena keep an eye on the towers, Simon inform the house elves that Hogwarts is under attack and the students have been sealed in their rooms for protection" He ordered before turning to me "our task has always been to help the students, it has been many years since any threat, my lady, my lord" he said bowing to me and tom followed by the other ghost before they left going to different parts of the castle.

"I need at least two of you to go with one of the teachers to help guard the floors" Tom said watching as most of the slytherin's followed by the four ravenclaws, 5 Hufflepuffs and 10 Gryffindors, followed the teachers to their assigned floor, while Sprout went to the greenhouses and Hagrid went to the forbidden forest. Dumbledore appeared with mad eye moody and 7 other members I didn't care to find out, while an additional 25 people appeared on the lawns outside of the castle "Dumbledore is ours!" Me and tom yelled as the battle commenced Bellatrix fought against Andromeda while Ginny fought against Tonks, Rabastin and Rodoluphs were fighting against Kingley and 3 other, Corban, Antonin, Molly and Barty were against Mad eye, me and tom were battling with dumbledore.

Wincing I entered the infirmary with blood dried on me "It's not mine" I said reassuring my mates as pomphrey tended to those who were injured, Smiling as I leaned against tom "We won" I whispered a smile spreading across my face as I looked at bucky and the others. Grinning as I hugged my kids close to me, I silently thanked mortem, for the second chance, for the chance of love and happiness, for bringing us to This New World.
Until the next Story my pups

• mischief managed •

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