And a good girl in my tax bracket

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A few weeks later, at the abandoned makeshift office, Saweetie's hair has grown into a small wavy afro, but her condition has only gotten worse

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A few weeks later, at the abandoned makeshift office, Saweetie's hair has grown into a small wavy afro, but her condition has only gotten worse. Her body is covered in bruises, and her baby bump has grown significantly.

CARDI B (to her bodyguards) It's time to move her. Give her the rohypnol and take her to the hospital in Harlem. I've got a nurse on standby to look after her.

Saweetie is barely conscious as the bodyguards drag her out of the office and into the van.

SAWEETIE (weakly) Please, Cardi. Let me go. I won't say anything. I promise.

CARDI B (smiling wickedly) Oh, I know you won't. You can't say anything if you're not conscious.

At the rundown hospital in Harlem, Cardi B bribes and pays a nurse to care for Saweetie. The nurse does her best to keep her stable, but Saweetie's condition is dire. She's barely holding on, and Cardi B shows no mercy.

CARDI B (yelling at Saweetie) This is what happens when you cross me! You should have known better than to mess with the queen!

SAWEETIE (whimpering) Please, Cardi. I'm sorry. I'll do anything.

CARDI B (laughing) It's too late for apologies, sweetie. You made your bed, and now you have to lie in it.

As Saweetie's body heals and she grows stronger, Cardi B's abuse only intensifies. The nurse is caught in the middle, forced to watch as Saweetie is beaten and brutalized. It's a nightmare that she can't escape from, and Saweetie's future is uncertain. Will she survive Cardi B's wrath, or will she become just another victim of the rap game's ruthless power struggles? Only time will tell.

 Will she survive Cardi B's wrath, or will she become just another victim of the rap game's ruthless power struggles? Only time will tell

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Latto sits on the bed, her baby bump visibly larger than before. Offset paces the room, deep in thought.

LATTO (sighs) I just can't shake this feeling, Offset. Cardi's sudden pregnancy seems so suspicious.

OFFSET (stops pacing) What are you trying to say?

LATTO Remember that argument you had with her on the phone about having a third child? You told her you weren't ready. Now all of a sudden, she's pregnant? It just doesn't add up.

OFFSET (defensive) Look, we've had our issues in the past, but I trust my wife. Why would she lie about something like this?

LATTO (shrugs) I don't know, but it just seems fishy to me. I mean, what if she's faking it for attention or something?

OFFSET (shakes his head) That's ridiculous. Cardi wouldn't do something like that.

Latto looks at Offset with concern.

LATTO (sighs) I just don't want us to get caught up in any drama, especially with the tour going so well. We need to be careful.

OFFSET (nods) I hear you. Let's just focus on our music and not worry about things that are out of our control.

Latto nods in agreement, but the suspicion lingers in her mind. She can't shake the feeling that something isn't right with Cardi's pregnancy. Will the truth come out, or will they be swept up in Cardi's web of lies? Only time will tell.

 Will the truth come out, or will they be swept up in Cardi's web of lies? Only time will tell

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Emira is hunched over her computer, eyes fixed on the screen. She types furiously, scrolling through pages of data.

EMIRA (to herself) Come on, where did this paternity test come from?

After a few more minutes of searching, she finally finds what she's looking for. A name pops up on the screen: Robin like she saw before when she first looked into the file  .

EMIRA (surprised) oh Robin ?

Emira does a quick search, trying to find out more about this mysterious Robin. She eventually finds an address - an abandoned factory in New York.

EMIRA (on the phone) Nicki, we need to meet tomorrow. I've found something big.



Nicki is seated at her desk in her Pink Barbie Office. She's surrounded by her team, including Beyonce, Rihanna, Doja Cat, JT, Yung Miami, and Khadija.

NICKI MINAJ (to Emira) What did you find?

Emira pulls out a file and hands it to Nicki.

EMIRA (handing the file to Nicki)  You know paternity test I found Saweetie's DNA  . And the person who ordered it - Robin - is tied to an abandoned factory in New York.

NICKI MINAJ (eyes wide) Saweetie? That's huge. We need to move fast.

BEYONCE (nodding) We can't let her stay there any longer.

RIHANNA (serious) We have to save her.

DOJA CAT (excited) Let's go kick some ass!

JT (eager) I'm ready. Let's do this.

YUNG MIAMI (determined) We won't let Cardi B get away with this.

KHADIJA (supportive) Whatever it takes, we'll get Saweetie out.

NICKI MINAJ (smiling) Alright then. Let's get to work.

The group huddles together, planning their mission to rescue Saweetie from the abandoned factory.

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