Druggie B Crimes: WTF is this b inhalin'?

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Cardi B walks into the club, looking around frantically for Saweetie. She spots her across the room, talking to some guys at the bar. Cardi makes her way over, her eyes fixated on Saweetie.

CARDI B: (approaching Saweetie) Hey, girl. Can we talk?

SAWEETIE: (suspiciously) Sure, what's up?

CARDI B: (fuming) You know exactly what's up. You messed with my man.

SAWEETIE: (defensive) I didn't do anything, Cardi. We were just talking.

CARDI B: (punches Saweetie in the face) Don't lie to me!

Saweetie falls to the ground, clutching her bleeding nose. Cardi's bodyguard quickly approaches and picks Saweetie up, throwing her over his shoulder.

CARDI B: (to the bodyguard) Put her in my van. We're going for a ride.


Cardi sits in the front seat, her hands gripping the wheel tightly. Saweetie is in the back, tied up and gagged.

SAWEETIE: (muffled) What are you

going to do to me?

CARDI B: (smirking) Oh, you'll see.

The van pulls into an alleyway, away from public sight.


Cardi's bodyguard drags Saweetie out of the van and throws her onto the ground. Cardi towers over her, a dangerous glint in her eye.

CARDI B: (angrily) You thought you could mess with my man and get away with it?

SAWEETIE: (terrified) I'm sorry, Cardi. Please let me go.

CARDI B: (kicking Saweetie in the stomach) Sorry? You're going to be sorry when I'm done with you.

Cardi proceeds to beat Saweetie, throwing punches and kicks until Saweetie is barely conscious. Cardi's bodyguard steps in, pulling Cardi away.

BODYGUARD: (calming Cardi down) That's enough, Cardi. Let's go.


Cardi sits in the front seat, breathing heavily. Saweetie is in the back, moaning in pain.

CARDI B: (satisfied) That's what happens when you mess with me.

Saweetie then faints due to  exhaustion and distress of the situation 

Saweetie then faints due to  exhaustion and distress of the situation 

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