Hailey nodded shakily and her cry turned into whimpers. She curls into a fetal position; her body was shaking and wincing in pain. Natalie began reattaching all of tubes and monitor sticker, and checks her incision site. Trudy sat next to her holding her hands while Hailey drifts off to sleep. 

Later that afternoon, Kim came in her room.

Kim: "How is she?"

Trudy shook her head: "Not doing well, she's traumatized" 

Trudy gave Kim a hug and whispered gently in her ear, "I can give the team the update. Stay with her."

Kim slowly walked over to the end of her bed. Her body looked so pale and small. Her face was littered with gleaming red cuts and had tracks of tears on her face. Machines beep around her, and her oxygen tube makes a hissing noise. She slowly sat down next to her and squeezed Hailey's hand. 

K: "Hey, it's Kim... Trudy went back to the bullpen" A tear lands on her hospital gown. "I'm so sorry- for not having your b-back"

She drops her head and clears the lump in his throat.

"You cannot give up, ok. You can't leave me and Vanessa with all the boys. I know I'll have Trudy, but it won't be the same. It just wouldn't. We all need you. I'm here for you Hailey-  I promise. I am here for you and I will be here to help you when you need it. But, I'm just... I'm sorry, for all of it."

"J-Jay will be back before you know it. He will be..."

She lapses into silence and slowly fall asleep right next to her.

The next morning

Kim woke up to a soft grunt, a whimper. Then she felt a movement from the bed, she perks up immediately. She saw blue eyes looking back at her.

K: "Hailey? Hey- I'm right here"

Hailey grunts again and tries to sit up. Her eyes flutter shut in pain. 

K: "Hailey... H-hey- Hailey, no. Don't try to sit up. Let me get someone"

Kim came back into the room with Will on by her side.

Will walked over to Hailey's bedside, pulling out a chart and a stethoscope, "Hey, Hailey. How are you feeling?"

She had a lingering sadness in her eyes as she leans back slowly, her entire body aching.

W: "I'm sorry about the pain, you're currently maxed out on pain meds, but I will be able to give you a dose in an hour"

"We had to do a surgery to remove the bullet and to repair your ribs. You also have a mild concussion. Your throat will be sore for awhile, you were intubated."

"Do you remember what happen?" Will asked.

Hailey slowly nods, not wanting to recall what happened. As Will begun checking her vitals, Hailey pushed his hands away, shaking her head. 

Will stepped back, "Do want you Natalie to check it?"

She nodded again, looking away from Will.

W: "Okay, I will go get her"

He looked at Kim with a frown and left the room.

A few minutes later, Natalie came into the room, asking how Hailey was doing. She looked at her vitals and then begun checking her wounds and scrapes on her arm. When Natalie reach to check her incision on her stomach, she flinched.

N: "Hailey, does your stomach hurt?"

Hailey looked at her in the eye and shook her head slowly.

N: "Okay, may I continue?"

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