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Main Character: Lilith / Evelynn Aster Sylpheaux
Born: 2975 BCE
Wand: Special wood from extinct tree (black with purple streaks/ veins; thinking something mixed with Peltogyne, or similar) at birth place; Her own hair as core (after the fusing of the Sage's Heart, makes for great compatibility, versatility and power); 8,5 Inches; Nice and supple.
Immortal via The Sage's Heart/ The Philosopher's Heart

The Sage's Heart:
Owner is completely immortal, imperishable, inextinguishable and eternal. Heart cannot be taken or modified by anyone after it is fused with the owner. Also keeps memories safe and unable to be modified or removed.
It's made of:
- 102nd Rebirth Phoenix's Baby's First Teardrop (has the highest healing power able to be withstood by a human).
- Willingly Given Last Drop Of Blood Of A 17 Year Old Unicorn Dying During Labour Of Stillborn Twins (contains all the unicorn's and babies' lifeforce) (has the highest lifeforce able to be in a human's body).
- Pukwudgie Venom condensed for 391 years by a single Pukwudgie from their birth to their death (Pukwudgie magic has a certain affinity to, or is based on Healing Magic, and their venom is deadly to Dark Arts users or Dark Creatures). (Research the effect of their venom on Horcruxes).

- Obscurus component (possibly)
- Dragon component (possibly blood or heart: used as vessel)
- Augury component (possibly)
- Vampire component
- Druid nature component (possibly)
- Panacea
- Philosopher's Stone (Elixir Of Life)
- Creator has to own and use all three Deathly Hallows while creating it and be Master Of Death.
- Creator has to be under the effect of Felix Felicis while creating it, and even then the chance of success is only 1 percent. Without Felix Felicis the chance of success is 0.001 percent.

(Research ended at list of creatures - Acromantula. Still need to research list of plants)

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