chapter fourty-seven.

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a week later

"mom, stop it." i waved her hand away from me as i pulled my hair up into the ponytail. "stop crying." i laughed out as she wiped her tears away.

"just be careful okay? i'll be up at the top if you need me." she kissed my cheek, giving me that motherly look she loved so much as she waved and walked out of the locker room.

"your moms adorable." one of the girls told me as i smiled and nodded. "you ready for this?" she asked as i took a deep breath.

"as ready as i'll ever be." i was benched, yes. but still, there's that chance that i might be called up, and was i terrified? absolutely. but there was that feeling, that feeling i hadn't had in a very long time.

the drive to play, that hunger, that need, that want. it was gnawing away at me, and if that small chance of playing was up. i was grabbing it, and taking it.

we were in the eighty-first minute of the game, and i had been warming up. looking up into the stands seeing my family, seeing davi on neymars shoulders as they waved and shouted at me.

the grin on my face was unmissable, and then it happens. i felt his hand on my shoulder, pulling me over to his side. "you ready for this?" he asked, it was a two-two tie.

i took my thousandth deep breath and nodded. "yes. i am." he nodded at me as i took off my bib and he ran over to the ref. the rest of the girls on the bench clapped for me, making my confidence solidify.

i looked as kat ran off the pitch and wrapped her arms around me. "kill it." she winked, i did a little jump before running onto the pitch, the other players giving me high fives.

i was only playing for ten minutes, and i blacked out. the whole time, i just slid back into it. like i hadn't missed a week my entire life.

then it happened, i watched the ball pass forward, then it was at my feet and i was dribbling past defenders. i looked at the goal, this was my moment.

and i took it.

one minute i was on the bench, the now i'm here. hearing my name boom through the speakers, players running around me throwing me up into the air.

i couldn't even celebrate, i just felt my body flying in the air. i looked up in the stand, my mother crying, neymar jumping up and down screaming, leo's face stricken with shock.

i gathered myself and carried on playing, carried on going until that whistle went off. i ran over to the manager, jumping into his arms as he spun me around.

"we did it!" i shouted, looking over at the girls as we all jumped in a circle. "we fucking did it!" i screamed, as they all joined it.

"you did it noelle." one of them spoke out, and then i felt the tears running down my cheeks. as we walked back into the locker room, i spotted him waiting for me.

i ran over and he held his arms out, lifting me into the air. "i am so proud of you." his eyes puffy and red from crying. "you're amazing." he kissed me softly at first.. then all of a sudden with intensity that made me pull him closer to me, like he was the only solid thing in a dizzy, swaying world.

the whole day felt like a blur, the whole week in fact. i was sat here in my house that i shared with my fiancée, after playing and scoring a winning goal in a game that i never thought i'd be able to play again.

just a year ago, i was depressed, angry and alone. now i'm here, in love, happy and surrounded by the best possible people. some days didn't feel real, and this day definitely doesn't.

it felt like my life was over, i'd survived and that was good enough. but in hindsight, it hadn't even really begun. looking over at neymar, my heart raced. how could one single person bring me so much happiness? so much joy, how could i be cable of caring and loving someone this much?

i was never the one to believe in soulmates, or the one. but he diminishes all of that. life's like a jigsaw, and somehow he was the first and the last piece.

it's been a whirlwind with him, highs and lows. but i wouldn't change it for the world, he is my world. i thought i'd never smile or laugh purely again.. he gave me that. he gave me everything, he brought me back to life.

"you okay? your leg okay?" he asked, settling himself under the covers before wrapping his arms around me, gently placing a kiss on my shoulder before i leant back resting his head on mine.

"mhm. perfect." i whisper, "neymar?" i called out his name as he perked up, pushing the two of us to sit up in the bed.

"yeah?" he mumbled softly leaving small kisses on my shoulder. i ran my fingers across his fresh grown stubble.

"promise me we're forever. i don't care if in thirty years you get sick of me, or whatever. it's always going to be me and you." he interlocked our hands and pulled my chin up so we were face to face.

"of course noelle. you know, i thought i knew what happiness was. i'd loved someone, i'd won all of the trophies, earned my spot. but you, you're a whole other emotion. there's no words to describe how thankful i am for you. how much i love you. love isn't even a good enough word to describe the feeling i have for you.."

you know that feeling of hitting rock bottom, your life shattering around you? this was the complete opposite.

there's two sides to everyone. in simple terms, the good and the bad. neymar had seen both sides of me, and i had seen both of him. yet we loved each other because of that.

i loved him at his worst, and he had loved me at mine. in fact, it's the latter that made me realise i loved him. even after hurting me, i knew i'd still be there. i knew he was it.

i would call him perfect, but he's imperfectly perfect. he's my perfect.

"i know the feeling. eu te amo, minha vida." i spoke out as he cupped my cheeks, pressing his lips passionately down onto mine.

"this time next year, you'll be my wife anjo." he spoke proudly, and the smile on my face grew wider. his wife. "if you told me a year ago, i wouldn't have believed them. i didn't know what i missing until you noelle. thank you."

every word he spoke to me sounded like poetry. he could ask me to pass him the salt, and i'd compare him to some great poet.. i am most definitely whipped.

"you think i would've?" we both laughed and he tightened his grip, and i played with a loose stand of his hair. i could stay like this forever. i can stay like this forever.

he is my forever.

and scene.

thank you all so much for reading
this book. it means the absolute
world to me, all your comments
make me smile, and i'm so sad
that it's over.
hopefully you'll stick around,
and yeah. thank you all again,
i love you guys <3

i may do a bonus chapter
or two, what would you guys
like to see if it did?

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