chapter thirty-seven

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neymars pov

i laid on the pillow watching her sleep, some say this is creepy, and in hindsight it is. but she looked so peaceful, in small moments when she doesn't notice i'm looking, but i'm always looking. if she's in the room, i am looking. in those moments i see the look of pain, the look of defeat.

when she runs and has to take a minute to sit down, when she watches me playing, when we're alone and she's telling me about when she was playing. i see the grief that she tries to hide behind her brave smile.

i wish i could take it away, i would never play another game if it meant she could. football had somehow just become a job for me, i don't know when it happened.. or why. but i do know that she helped me find my love for it again.

she could be me, i could be her.. that game in brazil always haunted me but looking at her i see it as a blessing. i wish it went that way for her. i really wish.

but in some selfish way, i'm glad it didn't. would we be here if that didn't happen? i'd like to think so..

so yes, i lay here and watch her sleep. watch her at peace, it helps me be at peace.

i looked as the sun peaked through the edges of the curtains, i rested my head on her chest as her hand immediately rested on my cheek.

everything fit with her.

        it was perfect with her.

she was perfect.

"ney." i felt her hand move my chin side to side as i groaned out. "i have to go somewhere with leo." she whispered and i nodded, laying my head down on the pillow beside her.

she kissed my cheek softly as i watched her get changed and walk out of the room in a sleepy daze. as i was on the brink of sleep, davi ran inside and jumped on my bed. "ahh. bom dia."

guess it was time to wake up. "bom dia! onde noelle está indo?" he asked as i sat up and stretched. he pulled me out of the bed.
(good morning! where's noelle going?)

"ela está fazendo algo com o tio leo." i smiled and kissed the top of his head before pulling on a shirt, and the two of us walked out of the room.
(she's doing something with uncle leo.)

he shook his head as we walked towards the kitchen. "não.  ela foi com um homem." he spoke out as i smiled at sandra, noelles mother, then i looked down at him.
(no. she went with some man.)

"oh. bem.. eu não sei então filho." i walked towards the window, only to see the empty street. "certeza que não era o leo?" i asked as he shook his head and grabbed a bowl of whatever sandra had made him. 
(well.. i don't know then son.)(sure it wasn't leo?)

"sim." he looked up at sandra. "thank you." he smiled and walked over to the table, sitting down.

"you okay?" the older woman walked over and patted my shoulder. i smiled and nodded at her. "okay. where did ellie go?"

"im not sure.." i spoke out before pulling myself away from the window. "thank you for making him breakfast, you really didn't have to."

she shook her head as if what i was saying was stupid, "of course darling, we're all family." i couldn't help but smile happily at what she said.


"certo. futebol mais tarde?" i asked davi who threw a thumbs up, scrolling through his phone. "teenager soon. i'm terrified." i joked looking back at the woman.
(right. football later?)

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