This is chapter 14.

Start from the beginning

"Well Done brainiac."

"Shush It."

"So you don't want people?"


"Any Reason?"

"Don't like people."

"Did You know You Are a strange strange person!"

"Well, Yes, Yes I did. And did you know."

"Know What?"

"That you are a beatiful beatiful girl."

"Aww, Cheers but hell to the no."


"Are Not."


"Are Not."


"Are Not."


"Are Not."


"Are Not."


"Are Not."

"Look Rosa, You are a gorgeous frickin stunner," He said starring right into my eyes. I could feel the heat from the sun dying down over the lake. We jsut sat starring into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity.

Suddenly i felt the blanket vibrate. To ruin the perfect silence. I picked it up having to break away the eye contact. Jonothan was calling me. I rolled my eyes and held the phone to my ear.


"Rosa, Where the fuck are you?"

"Language Jonothan," I said trying to wind him up.

"Language shmanguage, Tell me where you are."


"Rosa, Put Oscar on the phone."

"Oscar's busy right now," I said looking over at him leaning back laughing at me.

"Put him on the phone, I can hear him laughing."

"We'll Be back in 20 minutes," I said hanging up the phone.

"20 minutes is that all we get," Oscar said.

"Ahh we can make it 21 minutes," I said wrapping my fingers in his. We both laid back and looked up at the melting sun. It was so cliche, that it made me chuckle in my head. I could feel my phone buzz from next to me.

"Looks like our time is up," I laughed. I sat up and looked at my phone.

"Come On Rosa, Get your Arse home," Jonothan called through the phone.

"Oh, Shush It, We'll be there in a minute," I said. Oscar was apcking away our things. "Oscar," I said making him stop and stare. "This has been a great day."

"Yeah pretty awesome," He said staring out towards the sun.

"Guess we better get going before I get another call," I said feeling sad the day was ending.

"Rosa, " He said Looking straight in my eyes. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Same to you."

"No really, If you weren't here, then I don't know where i would be."

"You'd be Oscar, the same old Oscar, Out going and the same rich boy," I said laughing.

"No, I wouldn't, I was a wrist slitter."

"What! Why?"

"Life Was Shit."

"Do you still?"

"No, Not since i met you and I don;t care how sloppy this sounds."

"Ahh Thanks." I could feel his eyes looking at mine. We were closer than ever before. Okay So i did sort of want to kiss him. But would he want to kiss me, Me, The nobody. He leant in c loser. I leant in closer. Before i knew his lips brushed against mine. Fireworks went off in my head. I could feel my lips smiling. I could feel him smirking against my lips. As he pulled away, I felt sad not having my lips on his.

He stood up and held his hand out for mine. I grabbed it and jumped up. I huggwed my arms around myself and Oscar's jumper, while Oscar packed up the blanket.

We walked towards the house hand in hand. As we neared it we could hear shouting from inside. Oscar grabed tighter on my hand as we walked in.

"Kick Her out, I tried to make her into someone respectful for Oscar, But No, Out now!" I could hear a voice.

"No, You know Oscar If she goes he'll go," I heard another voice.

"I'll forbid him." I moved closer to Oscar looking at his face, seething with anger. I soothingly ran my fingers up and down his hand. He looked down at me and gave me a reassuring smile. Then he marched on into the house.

"So Why di you have to disturb us?" Oscar asked. Standing in the hall way was Jonothan and His mum. I could already realise who was who in the argument.

"I need to talk to you Oscar," His mum said. I just stood there feeling awkward. Oscar kissed the top of my head.

"Go to your room or go get the laptop, I'll talk to you later," He said giving me his winner smile. I walked along the hall, hearing a door slam behind me and then lots of shouting. I winced and could feel tears welling in my eyes. I walked into the room I was staying in and flopped out on the bed and curled up letting the tears fall.

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:) X

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