23; Izuku Midoriya

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My eyes opened up slightly as I tried to wrap my brain around, groaning as my head lay low looking down upon the almost colorless, hazy floor. I felt groggy and very dizzy, still not understanding what had happened. My eyes opened up a little more, now feeling more aware of my other senses, feeling some unfamiliar cloth on my body. I moved my head around slowly looking down at my sitting, slumped-over body. I noticed I was wearing some teal-colored hospital scrubs, with a white long-sleeved footed bodysuit underneath. Over the top of all of that was a white, sleek vest, covering my chest, back, and shoulders almost like a white, flat, plastic-like chest plate. I or someone else had changed me out of my uniform and into different clothing.

I was hella confused, still feeling the annoying, cloudy feeling in my head, now seeing and processing the wooden tiled floor beneath my feet and my fuzzy-looking hands before me. I tried moving my hands to my face, to try and rub away the slight fuzziness I saw in my vision, but I quickly realized they wouldn't part from each other. My vision slowly became less blurry and more clear on its own as I noticed ropes were wrapped around my wrists.

My adrenaline kicked in as I was now fully awake, eyes wide open in panic, realizing I was not only tied by my hands and wrists, but I was also sitting in an armless chair, restraint against it by two red 4-inch straps over my body crossing over my chest from both sides of me, realizing these straps were holding me up, keeping me from slumping over to far and falling onto the floor. I whipped my body and head up noticing I'm somewhat in the middle of a dimly lit room closer to the wall behind me. I seemed to be in a bar and quickly noticed someone behind the bar stand, wiping off a damp shot glass with a white cloth, with someone sitting in front of them at the bar stand across from them, and another figure leaning against the bar standing near the one who was sitting.

Fear struck me hard as I very soon realized who all these figures were. I sat there, stiffened by the terror of these very familiar people.

The one sitting at the bar stand... The pale skin and grayish-blue hair... It was Shigaraki, wearing a single hand covering his face. The person, wiping the shot glass, had a purple, misty-like-aura around his body almost like a purple cloud... It was that portal guy, Kurogiri. I was petrified realizing that they noticed I was awake and slightly turned their heads at me. Shit. I franticly tried to think of something. An escape plan, anything.

However, my thoughts were very quickly interrupted as I stared wide-eyed and shocked at the person who was leaning against the bar stand, their eyes also staring down at me. The fluffy, dark-green hair and green eyes were enough to make me realize there stood Izuku Midoriya. Izuku was wearing black pants and a white, long-sleeved button-up shirt with a black suit vest over top of it and a red tie.

I didn't move an inch, not even trying to get out of the rope or restraints. I was too focused on Izuku to feel anything but confusion and utter shock. All of them stared at me, they all seemed to have unreadable emotions besides Izuku. A friendly smile then began to stretch across Izuku's face as he quickly realized I was fully awake once looking upon my quite conscious body. He fully stood up, discontinuing leaning against the bar stand, the friendly yet slightly bone-chilling grin still plastered along his face. He slowly walked over, now talking, breaking the quiet tension in the air a little.

"Oh! Your awake."

I tried to speak but only opened my mouth a little before closing it back up immediately after. I was speechless. I couldn't understand what was going on. This was all too confusing and... alarming.

Izuku then stepped forward, making me flinch backwards in my seat a little, my back now fully pressed against the seat. He instantly noticed, as his face softened lightly, and he closed his eyes in a friendly manner whilst holding his hands out showing me, he had nothing in his hands and walked over to me continuously and slowly.

The Seizing Hand [mha x gn!reader] (Villain Deku AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu