Chapter 21: Eight Months

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Carissa POV~

Seven Months Later

I looked around Vic's house as the guests started coming in. Erin insisted that she throw me a baby shower. Life in San Diego has been great. I'm taking online classes until I have our baby boy. That's right, boy. We announced my pregnancy to the fans. They were furious at first, but a lot of them have accepted it. Jack squeezed my hand and gave me a reassuring look. He could tell I was nervous. We have been closer than ever in our relationship. He has been staying in San Diego a lot since All Time Low is already starting to record their album. Alex wanted to get it done now so he doesn't have to worry about releasing it when him and Lisa are planning their wedding. He already had tons of songs written. He wrote a lot on tour for Future Hearts and for this tour. The last album they released had so many songs written for it that Alex literally picked twelve of them out of a hat.

Vic sat down on the other side of me. "I thought of a name." He smiled. We both decided that we will come up with a name snd then choose the best. I came up with Antonio Blake Fuentes. "What is it?" I asked him. "Holden Garrett Fuentes." He replied. "I like that one." I said. "We still have time to decide. Take your time." Vic said. "Okay okay." I laughed. "I like Vic's too." Jack joined in. "His is really good, but I like Kitty's." Mike said. "We can have a debate after the baby shower." I grinned. Two more months and I will be holding my baby boy in my hands.

"Open your presents! Now!" Erin ushered. I love her to death, but damn. "Okay." I giggled. Basically we got lots of monkey things. Lots of them. When everyone left I had Vic put them I the nursery. I was spending the night with Jack tonight. It may or may not be because his bed is comfortable. "I think we are going to go. Baby mama seems a little tired." Jack announced. I stood up with some help from Jack and Vic. It's hard to do things when you have a big ass bump on your stomach. "I need to talk to Vic for a second babe." I told Jack. He nodded and went outside. "Do you know if Kellin has called at all?" I bit my lip. "Sorry Kitty. He is still upset about you moving out." Vic looked down. "It's February! I moved out in August! He is such a dipshit." I shook my head. I can't believe him. "He will come around. Don't worry." Vic put a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks Vic." I looked into his eyes. In that moment I realized you could see the whole universe within his eyes. They were perfect. I looked down. I can't do this to Jack. "Bye." I waved at the Vic, even though he was inches away from me. "Bye." He chuckled and waved.

Jack kissed my forehead as we watched the movie. It was terrifying. The movie was, not Jack's kiss. It was Sinister 2. I looked at my phone. It was almost midnight. As much as I would love to stay up all night and top it off with sex, I'm pregnant. "Sorry to ruin our night Jack, but a pregnant lady needs sleep." I pouted. "It's okay babe. Let's go to sleep." He stood up so he could help me get up. "I hate being big." I muttered. "Well you make being pregnant look sexy." Jack whispered into my ear. "Jack, I'm pregnant. That means I have hormones. That means I'm being turned on by your statement, but I can't do anything about it." I frowned. "Exactly." He mumbled against my skin as he kissed my neck. This motherfucker. "Jack I swear to God." I bit my lip. "Fine I will quit." I turned around to Jack smirking. "Oh fuck off." I mumbled.

I woke up in the morning and did my usual routine. That is, until I noticed something wet. "Fuck! Jack my water broke!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Who do you want me to call?" He rushed over to me. "Well the fucking hospital and Vic! Call my dad!" I winced in pain. I don't like being pregnant. "Ahh Jack! It hurts!" I cried. He was on the phone with the hospital. "Her water broke. She is eight months. Yeah yeah. Okay. Sure." Jack blabbered. He gave out his address for his apartment. Next he called Vic. "Your baby mama was gone into labor. We are going to the hospital. Yeah that's the one. Okay. Bye." He hung up on Vic quickly. I was dying over here, and he seemed happy? "Stop being so happy before I wring your neck! I'm dying over here!" I shouted at him. He chuckled and started talking on the phone. "Kellin? Your daughter has gone into labor. Yeah? Okay. You should probably come down here. She would want you too! Stop being a dick. Come down here and support your daughter." Jack hung up on what I ashamed was my father.

We made it to the hospital finally. Vic was already there. They rushed me up there. "You're already dilated. You are going to have to push real hard okay?" He said. No wonder I'm already dilated, it took them like two hours to get me. "Okay." I started to breathe fast. Vic and Jack were the ones who were in the room with me. "Push!" The doctor instructed. I pushed as hard as I can, squeezing both boys' hands. "Again!" The doctor instructed. I did as I was told. This went on for another freaking ten minutes. Finally, my baby boy was born. Vic cut the umbilical cord. Everything was perfect, except my baby wasn't crying. "Doctor, why isn't my baby crying?" I panicked. He swallowed the lump in his throat. That's when I knew the worst has happened.

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