Chapter 1: Two Years Later...

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Carissa POV~

"Bye Jack! I love you!" I said as I kissed Jack on the cheek. It was finally summer vacation! No more school! Jack was going to a summer long soccer camp in Brazil. I was so happy for him. I still play soccer, of course. I would apply for the camp, but Kellin would never let me go. I sighed as his car pulled out of my driveway. There goes the love of my life. The one boy I have dated for two and a half years. He gave me a promise ring last month. He is the boy I want to marry. I am positive. I waved at Jack as his car disappeared from my view. I walked back into the house. Copeland was on the couch. She was playing with her toys. I was suppose to be babysitting her. Like that would happen. I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. Kellin isn't careful about keeping them put up.

"Carissa will you play a game with me?" Copeland asked. "No sorry Cope." I said. I got a text from Train.

From: Steam Engine

Party at my house! You up for it?

Train has became pretty popular since last year. We are still best friends though. I usually go to her house on the weekends.

To: Steam Engine

Of course I am! What time?

Parties equal beer. Beer equals drunkess. Drunkess equals happiness. Happiness equals happy Carissa.

From: Steam Engine

Be here before the party starts. So 7.

I don't have to reply. She knows I will be there. I heard someone come through the door. It was Kellin. "Hey Coco!" Kellin bent down and picked up Copeland. "Hey daddy!" She squealed. I rolled my eyes. "Carissa." He nodded towards my direction. "Kellin." I greeted him. "I'm going to a party tonight." I told him as I got off the couch. "Who said you could?" Kellin asked. "I did." I muttered before walking to my room.

It was currently six o'clock. I was almost ready. I was wearing maroon high waisted shorts with a white crop top. My blonde hair was pin straight and my makeup was almost complete. My phone buzzed. It was a text from Kellin.

From: Dad

Come to the living room now.

I rolled my eyes. I applied mascara real quick and walked to the living room. "You called?" I said sarcastically. "Why were you drinking my beer?" He pointed to the floor. "Because no one told me I couldn't." I crossed my arms. "That's it young lady. You are not going to that party, and you are definitely not staying here!" He screamed. "Where are you going to send me? Foster care? So I can get raped and beat?" I hollered back. He took a step back. "I would never do that and you know it!" He screamed. "Then where are you going to send me huh?" I took a step towards him. He didn't say anything. "Say something you fucking prick! Any where away from here will be fine! Hell, maybe I could find a new father who treats me like his daughter!" I screamed. "Maybe I will et pregnant too! You will be a granddad! You won't meet your grandchild until she is thirteen though! Maybe because you won't even care about her! Just how you didn't care about my mom!" I yelled. "That's enough Carissa! You are going to shut the fuck up! You know that shit is a lie! I cared about Beth! I cared about you! You are a bitch! Go ahead and find a new father, see if I care!" He took a step towards me. We were now in each other's faces. "You never cared about my mom or me! You can rot in hell!" I spat. "I'm calling Vic! He might take you in! With the way you been acting he will probably turn you away!" Kellin yelled. "At least he is a father to me!" I snarled. "He will never be me though!" Kellin's eyes were full of rage. "That's right he will never be you! He will never be a fucking prick!" I yelled. I turned around and walked out the door.

"Hey Train." I yelled as I walked into her house. Her parents were on a business trip. "Hey Kit Kat! Beers in the fridge!" She must be in her room getting ready. This party is going to be sick. I grabbed two beers from the fridge, one for Train and one for me.

I sat on the couch waiting for Train. She finally came out after forever. "Wow! You look beautiful!" I was jealous of Train. She had ripped white skinny jeans on with a blue crop top. "Thanks!" She blushed. The doorbell rang. "That should be Alex." Train sang. "Okay. I will grab some more beer!" I said.

The party was in full swing. Right now, I was grinding on some boy that was a senior. He was pretty cute. I know I have a boyfriend, but I'm not going to do anything. The senior boy whispered in my ear. "Want to take this to the bedroom?" His husky voice sent shivers down my spine. "No thanks. I have a boyfriend. You're cute though." I said. I walked away from him to grab another beer. This is probably my eighth tonight. "Are you sure? He doesn't have to know." The senior called after me. I didn't reply. He ran up to me. "I seriously like you Carissa." He smirked at me. "Thanks." I said as I grabbed two beers. "Want one?" I asked. "Sure." He took the beer in my left hand.

Tristan was his name. He shoved his tongue down my throat and shoved me against the wall. I enjoyed it though. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He gripped my waist. "Now you're mine." He said against my lips. "Tristan I already told you-" He cut me off. He picked me up and carried me to the nearest bedroom. "Tristan no-" This damn boy and cutting people off. I kicked him in the stomach. I ran out of the bedroom. I ran out of the house altogether.

I was alone and walking down the street. I didn't know who else to call. "Carissa? Where are you? Are you okay?" Kellin said through the phone. "I think I'm three miles away from your house. I'm scared. Please come get me." I cried into the phone. "I'm coming. Did you go to Train's house?" He asked. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Please hurry." I cried. "I will be there soon Carissa." He said. He hung up the phone. I sat on the curb waiting for him. I was almost raped. Again. I don't know what to do. I want to kill that bastard. I shouldn't have led him on though. It's all my fault.

I saw a familiar car pull up to the curb. "Dad!" I said. I haven't used that word in a long time. He jumped out of the car. He ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry daddy." I hugged him tight. "It's okay Carissa. You are okay." He rubbed the back of my head. "He almost raped me dad." I choked. He hugged me even tighter. "I love you Carissa." He whispered in my ear.

A/N: SEQUEL AHHHHH! How is this new Carissa? She seems badass ;) Just kidding. Can I have a vote and a comment? I don't ask for goals a lot....

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