Chapter 14: Chicken Nugget

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I find this awkward because I'm writing a fan fiction about Jack Barakat :/

Carissa POV~

"That cloud looks like a duck." Jack pointed to the sky. "That cloud looks like a guitar." I also pointed to the sky. This has been going on for about two weeks now, random dates with Jack. It is pretty fun actually. I was bummed yesterday because I had to cancel on him. I was puking my guts out. "Hey, Carissa?" Jack looked over at me. "Yeah?" I looked over at him. We were laying on grass behind the venue. There was surprisingly no fans out here yet. It is a small venue though. "Be mine. Be my girlfriend." He said nervously. "Demanding are we? Yes though, I will be your girlfriend." I giggled and blushed. That's when it happened. Jack leaned in, and so did I. We kissed. It was short and sweet, but we kissed! When we pulled away I smiled at him. "Want to do that again?" Jack smirked. "Gladly." I said as I leaned in towards him.

"Vic!" I yelled as soon as I walked through the door. "What?" He asked as he emerged from the bunk area, shirtless. I tried my best not to gawk. "Um, Jack and I are dating!" I said proudly. "Congrats I guess. Tell me if he breaks your heart." Vic joked. "Yes sir." I saluted him. "That was weird." He laughed. "Like you?" I laughed along with him. "Shut up." He mumbled playfully.

"Can we have chicken?" I randomly asked Tony. "I don't eat meat." Tony said with a "duh you dumbass" look on his face. "I know, but I want chicken." I told him. "Actually, I will cook the chicken!" I said. "We don't have chicken Kitty." Tony shook his head and laughed. "I'm going to McDonald's to get some chicken nuggets then. I will be back in time for your performance." I told Tony. "Wait!" He said. "What?" I asked him. "You need someone to go with you." He told me. "I will ask Jack." I said as I skipped out of the bus.

"Two orders of chicken nuggets to go." The cash register lady said. Jack grabbed our sack of food. "I am eating now because I really want some chicken." I said as I reached into the bag. "You must be hungry." Jack laughed. "I don't know what's came over me. I just really wanted chicken." I shrugged at the thought of my weird craving.

We walked back to the venue after being stopped by a mob of twenty fan girls. There was a lot of questions directed towards me like: "Are you dating Jack?" "How is it being on tour with your dad?" "How do you style your hair?" I told the fan girls that I would answer their questions on Twitter. Some took pictures with me, some took pictures with Jack, and some took pictures with both of us. I kinda got used to this over the years. I'm just surprised it started happening like a month into tour.

"Hey there you are Carissa!" Vic said as we made it back. "Yeah. Jack and I went to get some food." Jack raised the bag of chicken in the air. "Are you going to watch our set?" Vic asked. "Well duh, but I'm going to be eating chicken at the same time." I laughed. "We need someone to sing Hold On Till May." Vic said. "And that will be me?" I took an educated guess. "Yeah! We haven't sang it in forever because of our new album." Vic answered. "Okay. I want to eat chicken first." I said as I took the bag from Jack so he could go meet his band. Yes, he took his box of chicken. I grabbed a chicken nugget from my box. "What is up with you and chicken nuggets?" Vic laughed. "Don't judge." I said as I stuffed my face with another nugget.

I held the microphone in my hands as I waited to go on stage. Jack came up behind me. "Good luck." Jack gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks." I blushed. "I have to FaceTime someone about my guitar after our set so I can't see you tonight." He pouted. "It's okay Jacky." I giggled. "See you tomorrow?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I smiled at him. "And now we are going to sing a fan favorite." I heard Vic say. "Welcome on stage Carissa Quinn!" Vic introduced me. I ran out on the stage to sing Hold On Till May.

I woke up in the morning with a headache. I immediately ran to the bathroom so I could throw up. I have a certain feeling...but I'm not for sure. I ran over to Vic's bunk. "Vic wake up." I shook it. I realized it was only four in the morning. "What?" He groaned. "We need to go to Walgreens. Now." We were lucky that the next venue was literally an hour away so we were already there. "Why?" He asked. He was sitting up now. "Vic..." I trailed off. "Oh my God." It was like he read my mind. He put on a shirt and shoes. We were out the door within minutes.

I walked down the wrong row for the fifth time in Walgreens. Why can't I ever find the right row? I finally found the right row. Vic was right behind me. "So uh which one do we need?" He asked nervously. "It doesn't matter." I mumbled. We picked the cheapest one because why not? The cashier gave me a sympathetic look. This was going to be hard.

We waited in the living room. Vic was holding me in a loving way. We had to wait for three more minutes. I wanted to cry, but I felt no emotion. Vic kissed my the top of my head when it was time to read the results. "I'm... I'm pregnant." I said quietly. I hugged Vic so tight. I can't believe this. I wanted to die. What was I going to tell Jack? What was I going to tell Kellin? "I'm going to be a dad." Vic smiled and then frowned. "What are we going to do?" I asked him. "Do you want to keep the baby?" He asked me. "Well, yes." I looked down. "Then we are going to keep the baby. We will make it through this Kitty. I love you." Vic held my wrists. I was looking into his eyes. No. No. No. "Please stop looking at me." Vic said as he bit his lip. "Why?" I asked him. "Because if you don't, I will have to kiss you. I don't want you to cheat on Jack." He said. "Oh." I looked away from him.

This is going to either be hell or heaven.

A/N: props to those who expected this. NO THIS IS NOT THE END OF JACK AND KITTY. THIS ALSO ISNT THE END OF VIC AND KITTY. What if I turn this into like all the sudden she falls in love with Kellin because Vic is actually her dad. Lawl. Btw this is my favorite chapter so far so yeah.

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