Chapter 13: You Broke Your Promise

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Carissa POV~

I put my second layer of mascara on. "Where are you going?" Vic came up behind me. "On a date." I smiled at the thought of Jack and me. "With who?" I could basically feel him tense up. "Jack." I said as I switched eyes. "Oh." Vic muttered. "Yeah. Hey did you need to use the bathroom? I'm hogging it up, I know." I giggled. "No. I actually was going to ask you- just forget it." Vic said and walked away. "Wait Vic." I turned around. "What?" He snapped. "What were you going to ask me?" I was curious now. "If you wanted to have a movie night. I get it though. You are going on a date with Jack Barakat." He sounded upset. "Now you know how I felt when you ditched me for Danielle." I spat. He didn't say anything back. I turned around and finished my makeup.

"Hello ma-lady." Jack gave me a rose. "Hello Jack. Thank you for the rose." I blushed. "Welcome Darling." He blushed as well. We stepped into a rental car. Fucking Alex was driving. "Don't kill us okay?" I teased Alex. "Damn. I was planning on killing you guys." He laughed along.

We drove to a restaurant that was in downtown Boston. "So Jack, what is this place?" I asked as we sat down. "It is a seafood restaurant that Alex and I went to on our first date. Things didn't work out too well." He said with a straight face. I giggled. "So Carissa, I hear you're pretty good at soccer." Jack said. "You know, the sport where you kick balls." He winked. "Yes Jack, I have kicked a lot of balls." I winked back. We both started to laugh. At least this place wasn't very fancy. "But yeah, I play soccer." I told him. "That's pretty cool. I would play soccer, but I'm uncoordinated." He shrugged. "Oh trust me, I'm pretty clumsy myself." I told him. "I remember at Vic's party last year that you fell down the stairs." Jack laughed. "I wasn't even drunk!" I laughed with him. "And then you-" Jack couldn't finish his sentence because he was laughing so much. "And then I spilled my Coke on the hoe at the bottom of the stairs." I finished it for him. We both laughed even harder.

You could say it was a good night. After dinner, Jack took me to my bus. He kissed my head and told me goodnight. Then he fucked me right in the pussy. I'M KIDDING. After I got on the bus I was bombarded with questions by Jaime.
"Where did you go?
What did you get?
What body parts did he touch?
What body parts did you touch?
Was he respectful?
Did you have a good time?
Did he-"
"Jaime dude please." I put my hands up. "Sorry." He shrugged. "We went to a seafood restaurant downtown. I got shrimp. We fucked right afterwards." I smirked. "What the hell?" Kellin emerged from God knows where. "I'm kidding Kellin. We didn't fuck." I laughed. "You didn't fuck who?" He sounded angry. "Jack Barakat." I told him. "You went on a date with Jack Barakat? What the hell? He is a man whore! I don't want you seeing him!" He flipped. "Damn Kellin. Calm yourself." I snapped. "Don't call me Kellin dammit. I'm your fucking father! Show me respect!" He took a step closer to me. "Why should I show you respect when you don't even acknowledge my existence?" I shouted back. That's when it happened.

He hit me.

"Don't touch me you dick!" I shoved him away from me. I ran past everyone to my bunk. "Carissa!" Vic ran after me. "Get him off the bus." I sobbed. "He left. Mike is going after him to talk to him." Vic said. I cried even more. "Let me see where he hit you." Vic slid into the bunk with me. I turned my cheek to him. "Holy shit. That bruise is going to suck ass." Vic gave me a sympathetic smile.

Mike POV~

After Kellin ran off the bus I ran after him. There is no way in hell he will get away with hitting Carissa. He had a bad fucking night, so what? I caught up to him. "Hey Kellin. Turn the fuck around!" I shouted. Right when he turned around I punched him in the face. "Touch her one more time Quinn. Just do it. I will beat the shit out of you. I don't care if you are her father or not." I spat. He turned around and walked again.

Carissa POV~

I remember that night he told me he would never touch me. I had a dream he raped me that night. (Chapter 7 in Father, Father) He came into my room and said he would never do that. I guess we all tell some lies though. "Vic? Can you stay in my bunk tonight?" I asked him. We have been in my bunk for an hour now. "Of course darling. You should go change though." He said, gesturing towards my clothes. "That would be a good idea." I laughed. I rolled over him and onto the floor. I stood up and grabbed some clothes from my suitcase. I changed into a white sports bra and fuzzy pajama shorts. I crawled back into my bunk. "That's all your wearing?" Vic asked. "Yes. Whatcha worried about Fuentes?" I smirked. "N-nothing." He stuttered. "Does my stomach make you horny or something?" I laughed. "No." He threw his pillow at me.

I woke up in the middle of the night. Vic was sleeping peacefully next to me. His arm was wrapped around me in a protective way. I'm falling for this guy more and more everyday and I don't know why. I like Jack way more than I like Vic but, am I suppose to even end up with one of these two? What if I'm destined to marry someone else? I sighed. I hate thinking. I went back to sleep.

A/N: do you guys think my writing style has changed since Father, Father? I was going through some of the earlier chapters and damn, I know I changed some things. I can't believe this book has gotten so many views. It is awesome. I told my friend the rest of the plans for the story and she said she liked it. Enjoy! COMMENT I WANT COMMENTS COMMENTS! COMMENT ABOUT YOUR FETISH FOR PIE JUST COMMENT SOMETHING LOL

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