Chapter 8: Pissed

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Carissa POV~

I was awaken by my phone ringing. I leaned over without looking at the caller I.D. and answered the phone. "Hello?" I groaned. "Hey Kit." Kaden said cheerfully through the phone. "What the fuck do you want? It's like seven in the morning." I sat up in bed. "Actually Kit, it is noon. My friend is having a party. You wanna come with me?" Kaden asked. "Sure." I rubbed the temple of my head. "Cool. Pick you up at eight?" His voice made me want to murder happiness. "Eight sounds good. Bye." I hung up before he could say anything else.

"Hey Vic." I said as I took a seat at the kitchen bar. "Hey Kitty." Vic said as he downed a glass of water. "I'm going to a party tonight with Kaden." I told him. "No you're not." He said quickly. "Why?" I asked. I was pissed, yet again. "We have to do something today." Vic said as he turned on the stove top. "What are we doing?" I asked. "Something." He responded. He put a package of hamburger meat into the skillet. I knew he was making tacos. "What the fuck are we doing Victor Vincent Fuentes?" I snapped. "Damn Kitty. I can't tell you. I don't know either." He threw his hands up in defense. "Whatever." I muttered as I texted Kaden.

To: Kaden

Sorry I can't go. Vic is being a dick. :(

I locked my phone and hopped off the stool. "Kitty wait." Vic sighed. "What?" I snapped again. "What is wrong with you? Like damn girl." Vic said back. "Nothing is wrong. You're just being a dick!" I yelled. I wanted some pizza right now. "Order me some fucking pizza!" I added. "What the hell?" Vic said. "I said order me some fucking pizza! Do I have to repeat my self every goddamn time you don't want to listen?" I yelled. "Holy shit okay. I will order you some pizza." Vic's eyes widened. "I'm going to watch Mean Girls in the living room. If anyone bothers me I will kill all of you." I said as I grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge. "You can't drink that." Vic started to reach for the bottle. "Do not tell me what to do Vic." I said as I opened the bottle with my teeth. "O-okay." Vic stuttered.

Vic POV~

"Jaime I swear she is crazy. You should have seen the way she was acting." I whispered into my phone. I was locked in my room. I didn't want Carissa to go batshit crazy on me. "Let me ask Jess if she knows what's up." Jaime put the phone down for a few seconds. "Okay Jess said she is coming over right now. I guess she must know." Jaime said. "Hurry. I think she might kill me." I said. Everyone was with their girlfriends, and Jaime was the only one to answer his phone. "We will be there soon. Bye Vic." Jaime said into the phone. "Bye." I clicked the end-call button.

I quietly unlocked the door and tiptoed downstairs. Carissa was crying. "What's wrong Carissa?" I ran over to the couch she was sitting on. "Jack is in Brazil! I just want to kiss someone and cuddle! Everyone hates me! Regina George got hit by the fucking bus! She was my favorite person!" She cried. What the hell? "I'm sorry?" I was honestly confused. "No you're not!" She cried even harder. "Oh." I stood up. "Where are you going? I need someone to talk too!" She threw the pillow that was next to her at me. Right at that time the doorbell rang. I raced to the door. I opened it to find Jess storming in with a bag. "What's in the bag?" I gulped. "Chocolate. Sweats. Movies. What the hell do you think is wrong with her?" Jess said as she set her stuff down on the couch opposite of Carissa. "I don't know?" I said. "She is on her period!" Jess screamed. "Oh..." Jaime and I both said. "Dumb asses.." Jess shook her head at us. "Sorry." I shrugged.

After Jaime and Jess left I cuddled with Carissa on the couch. We were watching The Fault In Our Stars. Once it was finished, Carissa was still in tears. "Another movie?" I asked as she began to dry her eyes. "Thirteen Going On Thirty." She replied. I grabbed the DVD and put it into the player. I sat back down on the couch. "Vic?" Carissa called my name. "Yes?" I replied to her. "I like days like this. Where we just cuddle and watch movies." She smiled. "I like them too Kitty." I put my arm around her. She looked at me and bit her lip. In that moment I realized just how beautiful she really is.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her during the movie. She didn't seem to notice. I can't believe I'm starting to feel like this. She is Kellin's daughter. She is sixteen for goodness sakes. I feel like a pedophile. I sighed to myself. "I want some ice cream." Carissa whined. "Okay Princess." I said sarcastically as I got up. I made her a bowl of ice cream and brought it to her. "Happy?" I asked. "Yep." She grinned. I kissed her forehead. This was going to be hard.

Carissa fell asleep even though it was only nine. I carried her to bed for the second night in a row. I tucked her in and sang her a quick song. Mike and Tony should be home soon. Jaime is still with Jess. I laid in my bed and gathered my thoughts. I can't be feeling for Carissa, can I?

Mystery POV (you obviously know who it is)~

I practiced the song one more time before I went to sleep. I wanted to be perfect for the upcoming tour. I put my guitar back next to my wall and slid into bed. I couldn't get my thoughts off of her. Carissa Quinn. Yes, it was bad I had feelings for Kellin's daughter. Yes, it was bad that I'm around fourteen years older than her. I can't help it though. It just seems like we were meant to be together. I yawned and rolled onto my stomach. I just need some sleep.






What's a ship name for Vic and Carissa, Jack and Carissa, and Alex and Carissa anyways? Tell me in the comments!

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