Chapter 4: Danielle's Bonfire

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Carissa POV~

"I'm going skating!" I yelled before exiting the house. I was going to use Vic's board. I hopped on started skating down the street. I thought about the bonfire tonight. It's suppose to be epic. I think it's for Danielle's modeling pictures being in Seventeen magazine. I wasn't for sure, and I didn't care. All I know is that a bunch of Danielles are going to be there. Of course Jaime, Mike, and Tony will be there. So will their girlfriends. That leaves me, the loner. I had to go even though I don't like Danielle at the moment.

I must have took a wrong turn to the skatepark because I ended up at a different skatepark. There was a group of boys that looked like they were about to leave. I decided to ask one of them. "Is this the Hills Neighborhood Skatepark?" I asked a boy with swoopy brown hair and big brown eyes. "No. This is the Rivervalley Skatepark." He chuckled. "Fuck me." I muttered. "I guess you are lost? I can show you the way. I live over there." He smiled. "Thanks. I came here for the summer." I smiled back. "Well I come here for spring, summer, fall, and winter." He joked. "Haha, so funny. What's your name?" I asked. "Kaden." He said. "I'm Carissa."

That's how we ended up under a tree at the playground talking. "Please tell me?" He showed his best puppy eyes. Kaden was trying to get me to tell him about my most embarrassing school moment last year. "Okay fine. So I was with my friend Alex at lunch. This popular jock guy came up to me and was like, 'you wanna go to prom with me?' And I was like, 'is this some kind of joke?' Apparently he really liked me, and he was going to ask me to prom by playing guitar and everything. He ran out of the cafeteria. I felt so bad!" I spilled. "That is too funny! I can't believe that!" Kaden's face was red with laughter. "What about you?" I asked the seventeen year old boy. "Well once I was in my math class, and the teacher was like , 'if you don't like what I'm teaching then leave the classroom.' Right when he said it I stood up to sharpen my pencil. Everyone laughed at me so it was pretty embarrassing. I also got sent to the office because of it." He started to blush. "That is too funny! Oh my God I can't breathe!" I started to laugh really hard.

I felt my back pocket buzzing. I reached into my pocket to grab my phone. It was Vic calling.

"Hey Mr. Fuentes."

"The bonfire is in fifteen minutes. Where are you?"

"Oh shit! I'm at the playground. I will be there soon."

"Okay. Were you like...with a friend or something?"


"Well he or she can come too if they want."


"Yeah. Danielle says not enough people are going to be there, so there needs to be more."

"Okay, bye Vic."

"Bye Kitty."

I hung up the phone. "Wait... Vic Fuentes?" Kaden's eyes widen in shock. "Yeah. I'm Carissa Quinn." I said. "Holy shit! That is awesome! I don't listen to lots of music like Pierce the Veil, but I do listen to them. I like rap music more though." Kaden stood up with me. "Well do you want to come to my house? We are having a bonfire for Danielle, and Vic said I can bring a friend." I offered. "That sounds awesome!" Kaden was more excited for this bonfire than I was.

"So this is your friend?" Vic asked, looking uncertain. "Yeah. His name is Kaden." I introduced. "Hi Kaden. I'm Vic." Vic stuck his hand out. I mouthed behind him, "We aren't hooking up." Vic chuckled a little bit. "Nice to meet you Vic." Kaden said. "I'm a pretty big fan. MikeyWhiskeyHands got me into your music." Kaden gestures to Mike, who was behind Vic. "Oh really? My brother is a pretty sucky rapper." Vic joked. "I heard that!" Mike said from behind him. "Shut up Mike! Y'all can go outside." Vic pointed to the back door. "Oh, I thought we were having the bonfire inside." I said sarcastically. "We were, but Vic said it wasn't a good idea." Mike joined in. "God dammit Vic." I fake pouted. "Just go outside." Vic put his hand up.

Kaden and I were in the corner of the backyard, away from the fire. We were within eyesight though. "So what do your parents do?" I asked Kaden. This neighborhood is for not necessarily rich people, but people who could afford two and three story houses. There were no mansions in this neighborhood, but there is big houses. We had one of the medium sized houses. Just a simple two story house with a pool. Our neighbors' houses were bigger. Vic and Mike combined made lots of money, but not enough to afford houses up to a million dollars. "Well I live with my dad and step mom. My dad owns the bank that is by the neighborhood. My step mom is, well was, umm, a porn star." I spit my drink out at porn star. "Holy shit." My eyes were wide. "Yeah... The guys like to go to my house to stare at her boobs." He said. "That must suck. I felt like people only came over to my house because I lived with Kellin Quinn." I confessed. "That must suck as well." Kaden chucked. "Yeah, it kinda does. I get used to it though." I took another sip of my soda, since Vic won't let me have any beer.

"Want to go swimming?" I asked Kaden. He was wearing shorts. "Sure." Kaden said. "Let me go change." I told him. I walked into the house, and I bumped into Danielle. "Watch it." She hissed. "Fuck you." I hollered after her as I ran up to my room. I changed into my pink fringe bikini that I kept at Vic's house. Kellin may not pay attention a lot, but when I dress in bikinis its a big no no. I raced back down to the backyard. "That was fast." Kaden laughed. "I guess." I started to blush. We jumped into the pool and swam for a bit. "Hey Carissa." Kaden said from behind me. "Yeah?" I asked as I turned around. He splashed me with the water. "Oh really Kaden?" I chuckled. I splashed water back at him. We had a splash fight. "That's enough guys. You are getting it on me." Vic complained. "Sorry Vic." I said as I got out of the pool. "What are you doing?" He asked. "This." I smirked and pushed Vic into the pool. "Dammit Carissa!" He whined as he surfaced. "Oops." I acted innocent. This is a great way to start summer.

A/N: I love the feedback so far! Can you guys check out my Tony Perry fanfiction? I need a vote and a comment to update! I also love it when you guys comment on my stories because I can interact with my readers!

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