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Location: The bus

Me and Skye we're playing Uno in the main room and Skye was winning, or well, she thought she was.

"Uno!" Skye shouts. As a small smirk grows on my face.

"Pick up 2, Pick up 2, pick up 2, pick up 4 change colour to red, pick up 4 change colour to blue, Uno and out." I say placing down my last 6 cards. Skye just sits there astonished.

"No, no, no wait... No! You must've cheated ugh!" Skye shouts.

"What's got you so annoyed?" May questions from a chair in the dark corner of the room.

"Oh my god! How long have you been there?!" I question almost falling out of my chair.

"About an hour." She states.

"Okay." Skye says slowly.

"We've got a mission." Ward interrupts walking into the room.

"Ooh where?" I ask

"Batesville." Ward states.

"Chloe your brother is requesting your presence in the lab." My new AI watch tells me.

"Thanks AVIA, heading down now." I reply.

"What is that?" Skye questions. I just shrug and walk downstairs because I feel like being annoying.

"Hey bro, AVIA said you wanted me?" I ask.

"Oh yeah good to see it works. Coulson asked us to look over some info about this mission" Leo replies sending some files over to my watch. I know it could work on the screen but I feel like showing it off.

There's all this information about a women named Hannah Hutchins, an engineer working at a particle acceleration lab that. Oh this is getting interesting exploded and made her gain telekinetic abilities that's impossible right?.. Right? I zone out thinking only refocusing when AVIA alerted me of something.

"Aaah!" I exclaim getting weird looks from Leo and Jemma. "The DOE said that the labs to dangerous to enter." I explain as Coulson and Skye walk down the spiral stairs and into the cargo hold.

"Sir, the department of energy's declared the particle acceleration lab too dangerous to enter." Simmons repeats.

"Hey! That's what I just said." I state causing Leo to roll his eyes and AVIA to vibrate. It usually does that when it's annoyed at me.

"But the good news is, we still think we can retrieve the disaster-event data from the instruments." Leo starts.

"We'll determine the cause and see if there's any correlation between telekinesis spontaneously forming and a particle accelerator exploding." I finish.

"Well, it does use giant magnets to fire billions of subatomic particles into their anti-particles at the speed of light to create miniature big bangs, so... seems like a good place to start." Coulson explains with words that I didn't even realise he knows.

"It appears Agent Coulson reads." AVIA states sarcastically.

"What is that?" Coulson questions.

"It's AVIA, it stands for A Very Intelligent AI, I've been in the process of making it for the past few weeks and I finally finished it." I explain showing them my watch.

"Hey, you didn't tell me that when I asked earlier." Skye says annoyed. I shrug.

"I felt like being annoying." I state following them up the stairs into the briefing room.

"I'll try not to mention big bangs when we talk to Hutchins about the explosion." Skye tells Coulson.

"You'll stay in the car. This is a delicate situation. We don't know what kind of danger this woman poses, so I'll make initial contact with Agents Ward and May." Coulson explains making me raise my eyebrows.

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