The Hub

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Location: The bus

"Ah. Good. Done with that paranasal extraction nonsense." I exclaim as Simmons and Coulson come up from the lab. Simmons was removing some intel from Agent Shaw but me and Leo made an unanimous decision to not go down their when it was going on.

"Do you need us to analyze the data?" Leo asks.

"That won't be necessary." Coulson answers.

"If it's encrypted, I can mine the chip for him." Skye adds.

"I'm afraid this mission's classified. Clearance level 8." Coulson states.

"Okey dokey." I reply as Coulson walks off.

"Wait. What? He can just shut us out of the process like that?" Skye questions.

"Well, he did say the mission is level 8." I start.

"And we're not." Simmons continues."

So we can't know about it." Leo finishes.

"Right, but this is normally the part where we all stand around the holocom and we learn about stuff. I mean, aren't we all on the same team?" Skye protests. I forget she's not used to these protocols.

"No need to get started on one of your socialist riffs." Leo exclaims

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s whole infrastructure is based on the hierarchy and compartmentalization of intelligence." I explain.

"Every agent can't have the intel on every mission. Makes the entire organization vulnerable." Ward adds.

"Okay, fine, but if I just fought my way out of an underground Siberian prison, I'd kind of want to know what for." Skye says trying to make a point.

"Coulson's got you used to the plane, the way we do missions here. The Hub is different." May states.

"The Hub? What's the Hub?" Skye questions.

"Oh you're in for a treat." I state before me, Leo and Simmons run off.
Location: The hub

I'm practically bursting with excitement. It's been so long since I've been to the hub and I can't wait to get back to my old lab. We might even see some of the scientists me Leo and Jemma graduated with.

"Wow. Didn't realize Big Brother was this big." Skye says memorized by the structure.

"Oh, this is nothing. Wait until you see the Triskelion." Simmons states nudging Skye's shoulder.

"Everyone's wearing the same suit. Someone tell me why, please." Skye says as we reach the reception desk. Leo passes me my badge and I pin it on my jumper.

"Do I get one?" Skye asks after realising there's nothing for her.

"That's your badge, which means you've got a long way to go to even make level 1." Coulson replies tapping her wrist.

"Copy that. Does that also mean no access to any computers here whatsoever? I could run a search on the redacted SHIELD. file on my parents." Skye asks desperately.

"Skye." Coulson warns.

"I could help her. I'm sure SHIELD would have kept the file somewhere." I add.

"I'll look into it. But right now, we've got more pressing matters at hand." Coulson says leading the team up to a man I've had the, let's say pleasure of meeting.

"Agent Sitwell." Coulson greets.

"Agent Coulson. Good to see you feeling better. Agent Hand's waiting for you in the situation room." Sitwell explains.

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