Bill kicked his feet back and forth, admiring the human's work before jumping off the bed to stand up. "I'll be fine, at least I know what to expect now. Besides, I can't leave you alone. If he tries anything, either guilt-tripping or gaslighting you, I want to be there to stop him. You don't deserve any of that crap and it needs to stop now. It should have stopped a long time ago— but better late than never, I guess! Besides, you've never taken me to this place before! After missing the amusement park trip you all took, I really want to go!"

Y/n smiled, standing up and heading for the door. "Alright. Let's go, then. Don't want to keep them waiting."


"So, do you constantly dye your hair to be that blond?"

"Excuse me? What do you mean dye?! This is my natural hair color!"

Bill scrunched up his face, narrowing his eyes at the man who stole his passenger's seat and forced him to the backseat of the car. "I don't know... It looks pretty fake to me."

"Bill, quit messing with him," Y/n spoke up, looking through the rearview mirror just in time to see him cross his arms and pout like a child. They smiled fondly at the sight, knowing this sight all too well, before turning to see Claire smirk deviously back at Bill like they couldn't see his actions or something. "Oi, you too! Quit that right now before I shove you in the backseat also."

Claire stared at Y/n in shock. How dare they threaten such a thing to him? He looked so offended, but it didn't seem as though Y/n cared or maybe they purposefully were choosing to ignore him now. Either way, Claire looked pissed.

And Bill was soaking that all in. Soon this man would be out of the picture. Y/n finally figured out how toxic of a man he was and in just a matter of minutes they will be rid of him for good.

Bill really didn't like the guy, if that wasn't clear already.

Luckily Claire didn't live too far away from Destination: Funation so Bill didn't have to suffer in the car with this man for long. Eventually they arrived in the parking lot and Y/n stopped the car, turning it off and sighing.

"Okay... Bill, here's my card-"

"You're giving me the money?!" Bill exclaimed, his eyes widening as he quickly unbuckled his seatbelt so he could jump up and snatch it right out of their hand.

"I'm temporarily giving you my money. You're not keeping it, obviously. I want you to go inside and pay for our tickets. Claire and I will be in there in just a minute- So once you've paid for them, just stand off to the side and wait for us if we're not inside already. Okay?"

"Okay!" Bill understood what exactly was going on here. Y/n wanted their private talk with Claire immediately before any of the fun activities can begin. Which was fair. What better way to celebrate a break up than to spend a day with Bill Cipher as he destroys them in all the competitions they get to compete in today? Sounds like a great distraction from whatever unnecessary heartbreak they'll be feeling.

Claire did not deserve even a single teardrop. If it were Bill breaking up with him, he'd be jumping up and down with a smile on his face for all to see how much better he felt now that they were no longer together. Sadly it was not Bill breaking up with him. It was Y/n. For one reason or another, Y/n had seemed to actually care about the guy. It sucked to see them having given their whole heart to this jerk only to watch him tear it apart little-by-little. That was the sad truth about love though: it may feel good in the moment but it always ends with pain and tears. This was one of the many reasons why Bill would never be found falling in love. He had no interest in it.

Y/n did have an interest in experiencing love, however. And now that they were coming to the end of it, about to experience all the pain and sorrow, Bill planned to stick to their hip and make sure not a single traitorous tear fell from their eyes. Claire would not receive the satisfaction of witnessing that on his watch.

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now