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There may not be as many chapters as I thought. I want to stay anime accurate (minus the romance parts) and I am only on Whole Cake Island arc, so I only have so much to work with.

I hope you guys enjoy it while it lasts. And don't forget to vote if you like the story!!

Enjoy ;)

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Day 2 on Zou~

Law and Luffy woke up side-by-side wrapped in each others arms. Luffy was wearing Laws shirt with no pants while Law had on pants but no shirt. Luffy looked up at Law and kissed his chin when he woke up.

"Goodmorning," he said smiling sweetly.

"Mmmm goodmorning to you too baby," Law replied and Luffy blushed at the pet name. "Do you wanna go get breakfast? I know you love food."

"Yes please!" Luffy said jumping up. He grabbed his pants and put them on, then pulled Law up and pulled him to the door. "Come on!"

They walked to the space they had been earlier and ate some of the leftover food from last night. Most of the minks were still asleep, along with both crews.

Suddenly Robin, Franky and Brook came running up and woke both crews.

"Kanjuro and Kin'emon and here. We fell asleep guarding the entrance yesterday. They are here and Momonosuke is gone. We have to stop them. The minks will kill them!!" Brook explained in a panic. Everyone split into groups and ran around to try to find them. They finally found them right as they were about to walk up to the two rulers of Zou, Duke Dogstorm and Duke Cat Viper, who were arguing. Franky and Nami pulled the 3 samurai back to stop them from going.

"Stop! Do you want to be killed?!?!" Nami asked in frustration.

"What are you talking about? They shouldn't be fighting! We are going." Kin'emon replied. He, Momonosuke and Kanjuro wrestled out of their grip and went up to the 2 minks who ruled the country. When the minks saw the 3 samurai, they immediately fell to their knees. Apparently the mink tribe and the Kozuki clan (the clan which Kin'emon, Momonosuke, and Kanjuro are a part of) are close allies and have been for centuries. Momonosuke is currently the leader of the Kozuki clan. And, as such, is also the rightful ruler of Wano, a country currently being ruled by a pirate group known as the Beast Pirates.

This new information left all the Straw Hats and even the Heart Pirates in shock.

The minks informed the samurai that the man they had been looking for, Raizo, was safe from Jack's clutches and that they hadn't betrayed the clan. They would have allowed Jack to kill them before handing Raizo over to them.

The 2 rulers started arguing again, but Momonosuke yelled at them to stop. They had been friends once, and Momonosuke wished for them to be friends once more. Momonosuke convinced the 2 rulers of Zou to call a truce and cease their constant fighting. This led to cheers from all the minks around them.

After that, the 2 Dukes of Zou led the Strawhats, Law, and the Kozukis to the Whale Tree and into a hidden cave. Inside the cave was Raizo, along with a giant stone cube with ancient writing on it known as a poneglyph.

There were very few people who were able to read a poneglyph, as most of this had been killed in the incident of Ohara years earlier. But, there was one person who could read them in their rag-tag group: Robin. She had survived the incident of Ohara, and thus was one of the few people in the world who could read the ancient language.

The poneglyph in front of them was red, and the 2 dukes revealed it was a road poneglyph. The road poneglyphs (4 total) were used as a map to get to the legendary island, Laugh Tale. The one who reached that island will be the King of the Pirates. Being the King of the Pirates was Luffy's ultimate dream.

Kin'emon and Momonosuke begged Luffy to help them take back their country from the Beast Pirates, and Luffy agreed. He just needed to get Sanji back first. Thus, an alliance with a very stupid name was formed. It was called the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance.

The group left the tree and the poneglyph, returning to the encampment in the forest. The minks wanted to hold a banquet, but Nami stopped Luffy from joining.

"We need to leave soon so we can go get Sanji back. Then we need to meet them in Wano," she said to her captain who was trying to wiggle out of her grip.

The plan was for Nami, Chopper, Brook, Luffy, and Pekoms would go to Whole Cake Island on their own to get Sanji back, then meet up with the others in Wano. Luffy didn't like the thought of being away from Law, but he didn't really get a choice in the matter. Nami is the one who came up with the plan.

Suddenly, Zou began to shake as if under attack. Jack had come back, and was attacking the leg of Zunisha with his ship's cannons.

Luffy and Momonosuke heard a voice speaking to them, yet it was only them who could hear it. The voice was Zunisha, and it was begging for someone to command it to fight back. But neither boy knew what to do. They were on the ground in pain because of the voice speaking directly into their mind. Law and Kin'emon were worried and asking what was wrong, but Luffy and Momonosuke could only focus on the voice.

Luffy tried commanding Zunisha, but it was like it couldn't hear him, he yelled for Momonosuke to do it. Momonosuke screamed for Zunisha to fight back and not fall to Jack. Zunisha did as it was commanded, and decimated Jacks fleet to pieces with one swing of its giant trunk.

That was the end of Jacks reign of terror on Zou.

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This one was mostly anime plot. Im sorry :(

(1057 words)

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