Talin stood in stunned silence. Ignoring her and her ex, I strolled away from them, spotting my crackheads for friends seated on stools at the open bar.

"Hi bitch," Rosie greeted, her curvy figure accentuated by a red wrap dress, her vibrant blue hair was left in waves. "Where is your date?"

"My lovely mommie," I said, reaching for a flute of champagne from a footman. My eyes coasted over to Celestina, who was in a quarreling contest with Xayvion. "Why are they bickering?"

Celestina narrowed her eyes. "You jackass! How can you forget about a sister—"

"Step sister," Xayvion corrected her.

"—and never introduce her to me. She is the Eirlys Kingston. Who even wears Gucci and Louis Vuitton these days? Eirlys is the brand, and she is your freaking sister." Admiration was rife in Celestina's tone.

"Did she just call me outdated?" Gazing down at my one-shoulder, thigh-high split dress, I frowned.

"Oh, please, she was just praising Eirlys." Rosie snorted, pushing her hair behind her shoulder.

"What's happening here?" Perching down on the stool that was between Celestina's and Xayvion's, I pushed them away since they looked like they were seconds away from ripping each other's head off their necks.

"I have known this jackass for 2 years now." Celestina pointed a finger at Xayvion. "As in, he had one million minutes to tell that his sister-"

"For the love of everything that can orgasm, she is a stepsister who lives in the UK." Xayvion threw his hands in the air.

Celestina ignored Xayvion's rant. "—is the freaking Eirlys Kingston. And he didn't use that time. Imagine how our first meeting was? I asked the woman how she knew me when she was calling me 'Moanlisa' , this jackass nickname for me. And when she said she was his sister, I just didn't understand if to call him a deplorable son of a bitch or explain to her that my parents weren't high when they're naming me and hadn't butchered my existence with names like 'Moanlisa'."

"She went ahead and called me Jackass anyway, in case you're wondering." Xayvion rolled his eyes.

"And what did you introduce me as? Cuddly-Wuddly? Cutie Patootie? Canine Hannibal?" My eyes drifted to Xayvion, horror parting my lips.

"Prince charming?" Celestina waved a hand, the watch bound to the wrist gleaming. "Eirlys was talking something about you breaking Cinderella's heart."

Confusion rushed through me. "Now, we have a Cinderella here?"

"Yes, we do. That would be the Constipated Robot." Rosie laughed, swiveling on her stool.

"And who is that?" I prodded, feeling lost, unable to keep up with so many nicknames.

"Cyrus," drawled Xayvion, and I stiffened while three sets of eyes scanned my face expectantly, as if waiting for details.

This was the thing I loathed the most, having to tell people that there were no shaking sheets between me and Cyrus, like my friends had anticipated. Sure, there was so much getting on each other's nerves and a pity sex session, which, by the way, wouldn't be repeating, but there was nothing worthy mentioning or even shipping.

"You know, you could tell us why you're marrying Romeo..?" Xayvion huffed. "It's like watching Prince Charming picking Drizella over Cinderella."

"Ha! Funny, I'll hire you to be my kids' babysitter to tell all these wonderful stories, jackass." I drowned my drink in one gulp, feeling a strange ache behind my chest. Cyrus couldn't be heartbroken because I was engaged to Romeo. How ridiculous!

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