New York, New York

Mulai dari awal

"I'll be 20! Uh, I'm getting old." I said, looking at Sam.

"No! No, no, no."He said. I raised an eyebrow."You are not old. I am." He said.

"Shut up. I'm just happy that I'm not a 'teenager' anymore." Robin was watching us intently."Okay, next question?" I asked.

"What are your plans for the future? Like after the tour, next year? Anything." I crossed my arms and looked at Sam, who wasn't even paying attention. He was looking at my feet. When he realized I was looking at him, he asked,


"Why are you looking at my feet?"

"I'm just sitting here wondering how the hell you wear them things." He said.

"These things are called heels, by the way, and I've had a lot of practice in them."

"Yeah, I know. Remember when you busted your butt on my birthday?"I glared at him.

"It wasn't my fault I stepped on a rock!"

"Yeah, but you screamed like someone was killing you and you were wearing heels when you stepped on it." He stuck my tongue out at him."Anyway, what was her question?"

"If we had any plans after the tour." I answered, leaning into his side.

"Oh, definitely."He said.

"Like?" She asked.

"Even I don't know for the most part." I said.

"Well, I plan on taking her out for ice cream a lot more than usual," He grinned at me and I blushed,"And we're going to look for our own place." He finished.

"Are you freaking serious right now?" I asked, not believing him.

"Yeah." I squealed again and hugged him."Well, she's happy."


"I thought you two already lived together."

"Well, we do, but it's pretty much just the room that we share. We actually share an apartment with Puck, Quinn, Mercedes, and my brother." Robin nodded.

"So, speaking of Mercedes and Chord, have they started planning their wedding yet?"

"No, not that we know of. All I know, or we know, is that it won't be this year, it'll be sometime next year. They want to wait until after the tour and once everything settles down to actually start planning it." I said.

"What about you two? Are there any plans for you two to get married yet?"

"Hm, no, not yet." Sam said, chuckling."Now, I gave her a promise ring a couple of years ago, on Christmas, I might add."I giggled."But, she never knows when I could propose. I could later today, tomorrow, next month, next year, the next year."

"It's the truth. He told me one time that it would happen at a random time." She asked us a few more questions, then asked,

"So, Rachel and Finn Hudson are really close friends, right?"

"Yep, we went to the same high school, and were in Glee club together."

"Will they be at your last concert?"

"Most likely. Knowing Rachel, she'll call all of our friends in Ohio, including Mr. Schue, our parents, and siblings, and fly them out here."I said. Sam nodded.

"And I swear to God,s he better convince them to perform at least one group number with us." He said. I nodded in agreement.

"You and the boys should totally do that mashup of Old Time Rock And Roll/Danger Zone. Including the outfits." I said, grinning cheekily at them.

"I am not about to go out on stage dancing in a long sleeved button up shirt, freaking man panties, and socks that are high as hell."He said. I started laughing."Do you really want all my junk to be flopping around out there?" He asked seriously, even though he was blushing. I stopped laughing.

"I change my mind, you can only do the song for me." He snorted then.

"Are you growing your hair out or something, Sam?" Robin asked.

"Yep! I miss it being long like is was last year."

"I miss it too."

"You were the one who made me cut it."

"Actually, Matthew wanted me to make you cut it, so blame him."

"That ass. He's just jealous 'cause he doesn't have any."

"You won't get in trouble for saying that?" Sam laughed.

"No. They always bicker back and forth. Like all the time. And they've said worse to each other. And Sam can say whatever he wants to him because of what he called Sam one time."

"What'd he call him?"

"Um, I don't think I should answer that."

"He called me a Homeless M effer." Sam said, all signs of laughter gone."He had just found out that I was homeless for a few months the year I met Brenda." Sam said. I rubbed his arm."Okay, next question?"

TWO chapters left guys!

Going On TourTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang