Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

    Following the sound, Long Qianye found more than a dozen one- to two-month-old milk cats in the sewer.

    It turned out that a nearby pet shop went bankrupt due to debts, and the unscrupulous owner threw away the cat and ran away.

    Long Qianye could understand the language of animals. A dozen of the milk cats were pitifully crying for help, but he couldn't ignore them, so he took them back to the prison.

    The milk cat was kept in the empty dormitory next to Qiao Han, and the baby cat was Long Qianye.

    It's not that others will hurt the milk cats, the main reason is that only Long Qianye in the prison can understand the needs of the milk cats.

    The autumn air was crisp and the weather was clear. Qiao Han woke up in the afternoon, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch the side, but he didn't expect it to be empty.

    Long Qianye, who was acting as a milk bottle, was not there.

    Blinking, Qiao Han got up and touched the dormitory next door.

    Opening the door, bending down, and catching a Sanhua kitten trying to escape, Qiao Han brought Sanhua into the house.

    The furniture in the dormitory has been removed, and there are several layers of paper shells on the floor. There are milk cats crawling around on the brown paper shells. The blue-gray Xiaoying short and the herringbone Xiaomei short are the largest. The Maine coon was shivering in a corner surrounded by two little puppets, the flat-faced little Garfield foolishly grabbed his own tail, the cow cat and the raccoon cat were fighting, pulling a piece of fur, and the three little Siamese who were a little confused Luo meowed at the top of his throat.

    A row of stainless steel food bowls and water basins are placed against the wall. In the food bowls are boiled chicken breasts, chopped into pieces and mixed with nutritional supplements. There was clean water in the basin, and a Deku was drinking, and while drinking, Paji fell asleep sideways.

    Under the inner window, Long Qianye was half-squatting, holding a baby bottle and feeding a small curly-eared tangerine to drink goat milk.

    "Slow down, this bottle is yours."

    Hearing Long Qianye's words, the curly-eared orange slightly loosened the two little paws holding the bottle, and the cat's face was full of satisfaction.

    Putting down San Hua, Qiao Han walked behind Long Qianye.

    She looked at the chubby curly-eared orange, and then at Long Qianye.

    Under the bright sunshine, his handsome face was full of pampering, and his eyes were so gentle that water dripped out.

    With a heartbeat, Qiao Han stretched out his hand and pressed Long Qianye's gland.

    "May I repair the glands for you?" Qiao Han said softly as he kneaded the gradually reddening glands, "If all goes well, you will be able to conceive in three months." The muscles under his palms stiffened at first, and soon

    relaxed After coming down, after a while, Long Qianye, who was wiping his mouth with a wet towel, responded with a low "hmm".


    After the audio-visual room, there is a new entertainment activity "Cat Cafe" in the prison.

    Every night from 8:00 to 9:00, the milk cats will play in the vacant prison cafeteria, and 60 prisoners can join the milk cats' game time.

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