Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 Agree

    Qiao Ming always thought that his daughter was forced to fall in love with AA.

    His family, Xiao Han, no matter in terms of status or figure, no matter how he looks at it, he doesn't have the capital to oppress Long Shuai.

    This is also one of the reasons why Qiao Ming has always been reluctant to have Qiao Han and Long Qianye together. The other reason is of course the problem of having no children.

    But Qiao Ming never expected that Qiao Han wanted to marry Long Qianye as soon as he opened his mouth.

    Is to marry! Not to marry! She wants to marry the Generalissimo of the armed forces back home!

    Explain what? It means that she suppressed Long Shuai!

    Oh my god, Qiao Ming's brain is not enough.

    He looked at Qiao Han, and then at Long Qianye who was as quiet as a little wife. Looking left and right, he really didn't see how Qiao Han gave Long Qianye to that!

    This is too beyond Qiao Ming's cognition. He has lived most of his life and has seen many weird things, but he has never seen someone like his daughter, who overwhelmed someone like Long Shuai.

    Qiao Ming is a straight A, he thinks from the perspective of an Alpha, if any A dares to do that to him, he will definitely kill him.

    But Long Shuai not only didn't kill Qiao Han, but also rescued Qiao Zhe recklessly and kindly.

    What a great spirit this is, Qiao Ming was so touched.

    But besides being moved, he was worried.

    For the first time, he found out that his daughter was a brat.

    It turns out that in recent years, the number of O is too small, and the marriage system gradually allows AA and AB to combine, but this combination is more stringent than AO love, especially for the married party.

    For example, the party responsible for the marriage has to pay a high bride price, the amount of which must be ten times the annual income of the married party. At the same time, the married party has to pay a large amount of maternity fund. If divorced, the married party cannot remarry within ten years, and the married party is free to do so.

    When Qiao Han said that he wanted to marry Long Qianye, Qiao Ming was no longer thinking about AA love.

    His bear girl crushed the Generalissimo! Even if their family went bankrupt, they couldn't afford to marry the Generalissimo of the Three Armies.

    Qiao Ming looked at his son on the hospital bed, then at Qiao Han, and finally at Long Qianye.

    Qiao Zhe has the hope of waking up, and he will still be able to hold his grandson in the future.

    But Long Shuai has such a high status and such a good heart, he did his best to save Qiao Zhe, and he didn't care about Qiao Han's offensive behavior. It can be seen that Long Shuai is not as vicious and violent as the rumors outside, but he is actually a very kind person.

    Since Qiao Han even said such things as marrying, it can be seen that they are sincere and not fooling around.

    So Qiao Ming gritted his teeth: "Xiao Han, you should marry me."

    What to marry, their family can't afford the gift money. Girl Xiong, let her repay the ones she oppressed by herself.

    Of course Long Qianye was happy, although he was still standing steadily, but his palms pressed against the seam of his trousers were so excited that he was sweating.

    No matter whether it is to marry or marry, as long as he can be with Qiao Han, he is willing.

    He has spent very little money for so many years, and he doesn't know if the money he has saved is enough for the bride price. If it is not enough, sell the houses given by others. Anyway, he can't live in dozens of houses by himself. If not, he seems to have a city, which should be worth some money.

    Long Qianye was planning to hand over all his personal assets when he heard Qiao Han say,

    "Marry? But I'm on top. According to the custom, I should marry him, right?"

    The room fell into an eerie silence for an instant. On top" made Long Qianye's face instantly turn red.

    This, what kind of tiger and wolf word is this!

    Long Qianye originally stood upright, but when Qiao Han's words came out, although he still stood upright, his head was lowered to his chest, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

    It's not right for Qiao Ming to answer this, and it's not wrong if he doesn't answer it. If he didn't get used to hurting his daughter, he might want to smack Qiao Han now.

    Hey, he finally found an excuse not to go bankrupt, why didn't Qiao Han understand!

    Miss Xiong, you should marry quickly.

    Qiao Han looked calm, not only calm, but also confident.

    If she put Long Qianye to sleep, she should marry him. This logic is fine.

    Isn't it just money? Qiao Han felt that he was an interstellar general who once owned hundreds of thousands of starships, each of which was enough to buy ten blue stars, and would be stumped by the mere blue star currency? impossible!

    Seeing that Qiao Ming and Long Qianye were silent, Qiao Han made a decision: "Then it's settled, I'll marry Long Qianye. Qianye, you wait, I'll give you the bride price." Qiao Ming: Is it too late to kill Miss Xiong

    ? ?

    Long Qianye: I don't want a bride price, I want to marry right now.

    But in front of Qiao Ming, Long Qianye still had to face. He didn't have the nerve to say what was in his heart, and only stared at Qiao Han with resentful eyes.

    Qiao Han went to hold Long Qianye's hand, and while he was dodging shyly, he insisted on holding him, not letting him hide.

    The palms of the two hands, one big and one small, cold white and tender, intertwined, and there are identical platinum rings on the middle fingers of the two hands.

    Qiao Han grabbed Long Qianye's hand and stretched it out in front of Qiao Ming.

    "Dad, look, the engagement ring. Since you don't object to our marriage, I want to hold an engagement ceremony tomorrow, and try to raise enough money this year to marry him home." Long Qianye lowered his head, not daring to look at his father-in-

    law Looking at his face, he silently calculated how to transfer the property to Qiao Han's name.

    What else could Qiao Ming say, he could only stare at his daughter Xiong, resigned to his fate, "Treat Long Shuai well." It's not easy for

    Long Shuai to be an Alpha well, and call his daughter to Ji.

    The author has something to say: I will write a thank you letter tomorrow, everyone is safe and healthy during the Dragon Boat Festival

Marshal is always bullied and cries[Female A Male O]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt