chapter 46 holiday midterms

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One week later Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek got done were just in their classrooms, and they tell all of their students "Alright students we know it's almost winter break, But keep in mind your midterms are almost here as well." One of the students *raised their hand* Anahi Diaz saw the student rasing there hand and asked asked their hand and asked the student "Did you have a question?" The student asked Anahi Diaz "what's our midterms supposed to be about?" Anahi Diaz responded with "You can write about any subject we've learned about from August though now." Then the bell rings "Anahi Diaz responded with ok kids remember I need all your homework before Thursday, also midterms are do Friday." Then Anahi Diaz called her mom her mom responded with "Hola como estas?" Anahi Diaz responded with "Hola mamá soy yo Anahi Diaz." Anahi Diaz mom responded with "Ah mi hija como has estado llamando para pedir receta de posole otra vez?" Anahi Diaz responded with "No, mamá esta ves llamé para ver cómo estás hoy y quería saber cómo sabes cuándo rompes fuente." Anahi Diaz's mother responded with "Estoy bien y solo sientes contracciones porque llegas una semana antes. Mi encantadora hija. También tienes gemelos, necesitarás una cesárea." Anahi Diaz responded with "gracias mamá y eso es un poco malo." Anahi Diaz's mother responded with "Preferirías que te mintiera o te gustaría saber la verdad chica." Anahi Diaz responded with "la verdad." Anahi Diaz's mother responded with "Eso es lo que pensé estúpida." Beom Soek walked in and asked Anahi Diaz "you ready mi amor?" Anahi Diaz responded to Beom Soek with "yes one minute mi amor" Anahi Diaz tells her mom "Me tengo que ir te amo nos vemos en Navidad adios." Anahi Diaz mother responded with "ok nos vemos en navidad mija." Then Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek went home ate dinner 5 days later all the students turned in their homework, and also after school all the students turned in all their mid terms. Then Anahi Diaz And Beom Soek went home and ate dinner watched some TV then Anahi Diaz asked Beom Soek "How was your week baby Beom Soek responded with "It was ok just worried that some of my students will fail my class because of some of their mid terms?" Anahi Diaz responded with "same here to be honest?" Then Beom Soek asked Anahi Diaz "what would you like for Christmas mi amor?" Anahi Diaz responded with "I got an idea for that how about you surprise me and get me something you think I'm would like?" Beom Soek responded with "ok sounds like a fun challenge mi amor." Anahi Diaz responded with "Yay what did you have in mind baby?" Beom Soek responded with "I can't tell you it's a surprise." Anahi Diaz responded with "Oh your no fun" then Beom Soek called his cousin, and then he went to the store to find the 3 best gifts for his fiance.

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