chapter 9 first day back to school

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Anahi Diaz responds to Beom Soek "Do you think it's a little to early rn mi amor?" Beom Soek asked "do you feel like it's a little early." Anahi Diaz responds with "A little bit hey tell you what ask that in two more months I'll say yes ok?" Beom Soek responded with "ok I'll wait until 1 more months then I'll ask again." Anahi Diaz tells Beom "don't worry I'll say yes the next time you propose to me mi amor." Beom Soek hugged and kissed Anahi Diaz passionately then everyone went home, then 1 week later Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek live together. Beom Soek asked Anahi Diaz "are you ready for school tomorrow?" Annhi Diaz responded with of course I am I'm always ready." Beom Soek responded with"not all the time my beloved." Anahi Diaz"true also do you want breakfast though?" Beom Soek responded with"of course you make the best breakfast burritos ever mi amor." Then Anahi Diaz responded with "Aww that's sweet coming from you baby also your spice level has gotten better." Beom Soek responded responded with of course your salsa Verde is made with Anaheim or Poblano, or Pasilla peppers and and garlic green tomatoes and cilantro in that order. Then Anahi Diaz responded with "Aww you remembered the ingredients also we should head to work now teaching our students?" Then Beom Soek responded with "ok agreed mi amor." then they took their breakfast to go then they went to the elementary school to teach their students the new subject then 5 minutes before the bell rang Beom Soek asked his students "who was known for starting the civil Rights movement. Then one of Beom Soek's students raise their hand and said "Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Gandhi." Then Beom Soek said "yes "that's correct I would also accepted Ceaser Chavez as well, but now what war happened during the civil Rights movement?" Then Beom Soek other student raise their hand and said "the cold war and the Vietnam war." Then Beom Soek responded with "correct once again." Before Beom Soek said anything else the bell rang, then Beom Soek told his students while they were leaving "hey don't forget we're gonna learn what happened during the 70s and 80s then 90s." Then Anahi Diaz walked in and asked Beom Soek "are you ready to head home now mi amor?, or do you want to stay with me and help me out with grading my students homework?" Beom Soek responded responded with "I'll help you baby also you want to do anything for February 14th?" Anahi Diaz responded with" of course I'm doing something on February 14th spending time with you." Beom Soek asked Anahi Diaz " do you want to go to the new Chinese restaurant Anahi Diaz responds with "of course besides Korean food Chinese is a close second." Then Beom Soek responded with ok "wear your best outfit because we're heading there and the movie of your choice my valentine. Anahi Diaz responded with "Aww that's sweet will do mi amor." Then Beom Soek thought to himself "this time I'll marry you."

My 4ever Love Will Always Be You حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن