Chapter 37 Double Trouble

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Yuki Midori and Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek went to the movies Anahi Diaz tells Yuki Midori "Oi, ani ga tsuini koibito ga deki tatte itta ndakedo, bomu suku no itoko ga mada hima ka dō ka mite mimashou Demo daijōbu?" Yuki Midori responds with "Sate, soredewa bomusoku no itoko wa daredesuka?" Beom Soek responded with "Yeah my cousin is still free." Anahi Diaz responded with "how do you know if your cousin is still free to date anyone?" Beom Soek responded with "well it's because my cousin is right there in the concession booth selling snacks." Yuki Midori responded with "Your cousin is kinda cute." Beom Soek responded with "they think the same of you their name is Da-bin Yuki Midori walks up to the concession booth and asked Da-bin "Hey are you Beom Soek's cousin?" Da-bin responded with "Yeah I'm his cousin why you ask?" Yuki Midori responds with "I'm Yuki Midori he told me too meet with you here." Da-bin responded with "I was hoping it was you because he said you were my type and he isn't wrong." Later the watched a movie together with Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek then Anahi Diaz asked Beom Soek "what is this movie called again and what is it about?" Beom Soek responded with "it's called The tails of Argias and it's about a spartan who lost his family but gets a new family." Anahi Diaz responded with "really?" Beom Soek responded with "Well he first unalives all the Greek and Roman gods but yep." Seconds after the movie was over Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek went to the coffee shop to give Yuki Midori and Da-bin some privacy, once they were alone Da-Bin asked Yuki Midori "would you like to be my life partner?" Yuki Midori responds with "of course I will baby." Mean while Beom Soek asked Anahi Diaz "looks like Da-bin got Yuki Midori,also when should you go to the hospital for your update on the end of your second trimester mi amor?" Anahi Diaz responded with "Yep I might have to but I will wait patiently until then." They both *drink their apple cider frappuccinos* later both Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek went to their home just to see someone tried to break in, but the cops arrested them before they stole anything. Both Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek went inside their home. Just to see beom's family necklace was chipped Anahi Diaz saw this and tells Anahi Diaz "I feel so bad mi amor." Beom Soek responded with "it's alright it's just a chip." Anahi Diaz made Beom dinner a stew like dish, to cheer Beom Soek up. Beom Soek asked Anahi Diaz "what smells go delicious mi amor?" Anahi Diaz responded with "just making dinner for us mi amor." Beom Soek responded with "I sure as hell hope it tastes as good as you look mi amor."after they ate Anahi Diaz got a call from the doctor telling here her appointment is next week.

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