it's time? (requested)

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Sitting on the sofa, you were curled up under a cozy blanket while watching one of your favorite films.

You're trying to occupy yourself while Rosé is gone at the studio for the day.

It's quiet and a little lonely as you sit by yourself.

You're used to her being home with you because, at this point in your pregnancy, she barely ever leaves your side for longer than just a minute.

But YG gave her no other choice but to come in today and as hard as it is for the both of you, you didn't worry all that much and figured everything would be fine.

You thought it was just another day.

Feeling your little one moving around, you placed your hand on your stomach and caressed your bump while keeping your eyes on the tv.

But as you pulled your hand away and set it down on your lap, you felt something that took you by surprise.

A sharp pain in your stomach.

You sat up a bit and waited to see if it returned and when it did, you felt your heart begin to hammer against your chest with fear.

You knew from how intense the pain was that there was no mistaking it - your baby was on the way.

"You sure picked a perfect day to decide you want to enter the world. Your mom isn't here." You spoke to your bump before reaching for your phone, wincing in pain as you did so.

You tapped on Rosie's contact and pressed your phone against your ear before the pain returned, making you groan.

"Hi, darling! How are my babies doing?"

"Not good." You groaned. "Rosie, it's happening."

"What? It's time? Right now!?"

"Yes!" You said, frustrated and anxious. "Please come home, please. I'm scared and it hurts and I don't want to go through this alone."

"Baby, try and calm down. Take a breath." She instructed as you finished anxiously rambling.

"Honey, I'm already making my way to the car. I'll be home in no time. You're not going to go through any of this alone. I wouldn't let that happen."

Her words brought you slight comfort, which you really needed at that moment.

Without her there with you, it almost seemed like everything was spiraling out of control and you'd never felt more anxious.

"Stay on the phone with me, okay? I'm on my way. Just breathe and wait for me. I'll be there before you know it, baby."

You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to fight through the agonizing pain that you felt as you gripped the cushion of the sofa, wishing that it was Rosie's hand instead.

It took a good ten minutes of anxiety and pain but Rosé was finally there, rushing through the door and hurrying over to your side.

"Hey, baby. I'm here now." She said as she knelt on the floor in front of you. "You can hold my hands now. Squeeze them as tight as you need to."

She grabbed both of your hands in hers and encouraged you to squeeze them with all your might, not even caring about the ache she felt in them as you did so.

She only cared about you and helping you through this, the way she promised you from day one that she would.

"That's my girl." She encouraged as she brushed her thumb across your palm. "Just breathe, just like that."

When the pain faded away, you stared at her with worried eyes.

"Oh, baby girl," She said as she kissed your cheek. "There's no need to worry. I'm here now and I won't let you go. Okay?"

She pulled one hand out of your grip to brush a strand of hair behind your ear and you took in a shaky breath before nodding your head.

"Ready to go to the hospital and bring our baby into the world?"

"Yeah." You said. "I'm anxious but I'm so excited."

"Me too." She grinned. "Let's do it. Every step of the way, I'm in this with you. You and me together."

"Okay." You said before standing up and making your way out the door and to the car with Rosé right behind you, helping you every step of the way; just as she promised.

Rosé Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now