|Part 14|: Snow Season

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After fall is winter, cold snow gradually fell down and made the streets white. There were no leaves left on the trees, they were now just tall sticks.

During winter is where the holiday Christmas is, a day where children recieve gifts from a jolly man called Santa Claus and adult exchange gifts with eachother. Some people don't celebrate Christmas which is okay but my family does and I want to too.

Christmas is on the 24th and the Halloween decorations were now replaced with Christmas ones. I like the spooky things better but this is nice too.

I walked with Daiya when it was close a few days close to Christmas, school was off today so we had plenty of time. Taka and Mondo were being looked after by Hiro.

"So, Marshmallow, you want anything for Christmas?"

"I don't know."

"Nothing comes to mind?"


"Not even marshmallows...?"

"...I want marshmallows."

"You want alot of them riiiight?"


"Hopefully Santa gives you as many marshmallows you want!"

"I hope so."



"So...you're not cold?"

"Yes." I wasn't wearing any coats. "Here." I placed my hand on his.

"Damn you're warm. Shoulda known since ya have flames in your eyes!"


"Kinda sad..."


"I was gonna ask if ya cold and you'll tell ya cold so I give you my coat and then you get worried that I might get sick but then I'll say something cheesy like 'All I need is you by my side to keep my heart warm' and then hug you..."


"Eh, atleast we're holdin hands."

I didn't realize but we were still holding hands, I quickly pulled my hand away blushing.

We continued our walk until I wanted to go home, the house was now decorated with Christmas things.

In the house was a small pine tree, it was small and had Christmas decorations on it, most noticeably a gold star on top.

"You like the Christmas tree?" Mother asked as she walked in the room.

"It's nice mother." I noticed most of the other houses had bigger trees. "Ours is quite small."

"Well, small is cute! Me and your father didn't want to go overboard since you know, there's problems. The tree may be small but it still brings a festive mood!"

"It does."

"You want anything from Santa? A lil birdie told me you're on the nice list!"

"I'm don't want much, just some marshmallows."

"Hm, I see."

"We're back!" Hiro exclaimed as he busted through the door.

"Welcome back you two!" Mother said.

"Hi mama!" Taka said hugging mother on the legs before turning his attention to me. "Hi big bro! How was your date with Mondo's brother?"


"Hiro told me you were on a date with him!"

"I don't know...what a date is..."

"It's when you spend time with someone you romantically love." Mother answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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