|Part 12|: Human Behaviour

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(Warning: Slight Body Horror)

I still have behaviour that isn't like humans, so I asked my human older brother to help me. I didn't say I needed to be like human because I'm not, I just said I needed help solving possible common human problems.

Hiro was willing to help and set up some scenario for me.

"Okay, first, what do you do if there is something high up on a place you can't reach?" Hiro said as he showed me an object on a high shelf, I tried to reach for it but my arm isn't long enough.

"What do I do?"

"Come up with solutions!"


I thought about it as Hiro stood by patiently, I remembered I can change my body.

I extended my arm.

"Uh, Kiyoyo, humans can't do that. Try again buddy!"

I extended my neck to get it with my teeth.

"Um...that's not it either Kiyoyo."

I extended my torso.

"Not that either."

I extended my legs.

"Maybe you should try other things than extending your body, humans aren't known for their...extentions."

What else can I do?

I see a stool nearby, I took it, put it near the shelf and stood on it to take the item.

"Good job Kiyoyo! That's how you do it! Now there's more ways you can solve this so figure it out!"

I got it right.

Now what else?


I asked Hiro to get it for me.

"That's right! You can ask someone taller to get it for you! Any other ideas?"

I asked Taka.

"You want me to help with getting the item?"

"Yes, I can't reach it."

"But I'm shorter than you bro!"

"I can pick you up and you'll be higher."

"Oh, okay!"

I picked up Taka to take the item.

"Huh, didn't think of that. Good job Kiyoyo!"

What else?

I jumped and took the item quickly.

"Sometimes the solution is the most simple! Okay, let's try another scenario!"

Next scenario was eating something too big for your mouth.

"Okay! What can you come up with?"


I unhinged my jaw.

"Okay! Okay! No Kiyoyo! You should stop with the body contortions buddy..."


I bite parts off it.

"That...works, but it isn't very polite."

I use my hands to tear it.

"Same with the last one."

I use a knife to cut it.

"That's how you're suppose to do it! Good job!"

Hiro gave me more scenarios to do, he may not be smart but atleast he knows basic human behaviour. I didn't ask him about my strange feelings for Daiya though.

I want to keep that a secret longer...

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