|Part 9|: Biker Gang

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(Warning: Fighting, Blood)

I kept going to school to learn, I haven't made any friends other than Daiya. He and Hiro met and they became friends too. Daiya had other friends, they seemed to like having the same hairstyle as him, the hairstyle that looked like they used a toilet paper roll and wrapped their hair around it. It looked weird, I don't know why they have it.

Daiya still doesn't want me to do what he does, even after I have begged him multiple times. It's dangerous but I can heal myself quickly, he doesn't seem to believe me when I told him. What is so dangerous about what he does? Is it speeding? It is dangerous but how do you get money from that?

I have been going to his house, mainly because Mondo had been inviting Taka over to play. Daiya taught me how to gym, he got big because of lifting weights. They weren't hard to lift, he was surprised by that, I'm not that big so guess that's why. Big isn't the correct word is it? It's too broad...what word is better to describe him? He has big muscles, the word has to be similiar to that. Hm...mus...cl...cular? Muscular? Yeah that's better. Muscular. Daiya is muscular.

Anyways, I want to know what Daiya does.

I decided to follow him one night, most dangerous things happen at night. I left the house quietly, I didnt tell anyone where I was going. It wasn't hard going around at night, there were lights on the streets and even without them, I can still see in the dark from the flames in my eye. I've been living in the dark pathways, which I now know are alleyways, for a long time.

I soon spotted Daiya after walking around abit, he blended in with his already black hair and the long black coat he was now wearing. He was driving his motorcycle I have seen at his house before, there were others with him and they wore similar clothing.

They were fast on those vehicles, I ran after them as fast as I can. Even when I tried my hardest, I had lost them, I was able to get which direction they were going atleast. Walking through the streets as people were dissapearing the more late it got, eventually it was only me around with the occasional car driving by.

I soon noticed the bikes parked near an alleyway, the people who were once on them were now gone. They must have gone inside. From the years of living in the alleyways, I was familiar with the layout. They were like a long winding maze that is pitch dark in some parts even in the morning, I felt the familiar cold and smell I have grown so accustomed too. Even though I have been here for most of my life, I don't want to live here again, especially with my new family that I love dearly.

I knew where I was going and soon started hearing some noise, it was rare to hear noise in the alleyway so I knew this must be what I should be looking for. I peeked behind a corner and saw Daiya and his friends, their backs were turned to me, some other people were opposite of them. There was some kind of logo on their coats, it has the words 'Crazy Diamonds' on it. Is that what his job is?

The men seemed to be enemies, they were arguing but I couldn't make out the words from how much they were talking. They were really angry, Daiya seemed the calmest out of all of them but he was still noticeably annoyed. From the words I could make out, they were talking about gang, surrendering, being number one, fighting,...things that don't sound good.

One of the men noticed me, my eyes are really my downfall...Everyone else turned around as I retracted my head, hoping they thought they just saw an hallucination. But with the sounds of heavy footsteps coming my way, I ran away quickly, not because I was scared but because I didn't want Daiya to see me. Using my knowledge of the alleyways, I make my way through the dark corridors of this maze to get away, turning as many corners as I can until I eventually found some big trash cans to hide behind. They were big enough to hide my entire body, when I cover my eyes tightly it will be dark and they won't find me from my eyes.

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