|Part 3|: Food

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It's still weekend, Taka has no school again.

Something has been bothering me with last dinner, father eats no food. Why does he not eat food? Taka eats food, why does he not?

He doesn't consider me family, maybe he will if I get food? How do I get food? What do humans eat? Do they eat what I eat? I eat the bags in the dark pathway.


I don't think humans eat that.

I don't like the taste of the bags anyways.

What do they eat?

I've seen humans go to buildings to eat, I should get food there. But the humans trade for food with something called yen. I don't have yen. How do I get yen? I need to find yen to get food.

I will go outside to find yen. Taka can't go because father won't let him. I go alone.

I haven't been outside when the bright orb in the sky is up high, it bring pain into my eyes. I don't like the orb much. The other humans looked at me sometimes but not for long.

I soon find a paper on a grey tall thing, some words on it I didn't understand but there was a cute creature. It was white and fluffy looking.

From the words I can read. I think I have to find this creature, which is called a dog I think. I will get yen from it if I succeed. I will find the dog.

I look around the place for the cute dog, I assume it is small because small things are hard to find. I went to a place with a lot of green. I heard a sound and it came from a bush. The dog peeked it's head from the bush and ran up to me, making dog sounds.

It hopped around my boots and kept making dog noises at me. I crouched down and held my hand out, the dog started rubbing around my hand, it's really fluffy. I let it's fluffiness rub through my fingers, it a nice feeling, I think it liked it too. It also started biting my fingers, it didn't hurt so I didn't mind.

I picked it up with my free hand and went back to the paper, the dog kept biting my hand. I made sure the dog is the same as the picture. There was a number on the paper, I'm pretty sure that's a phone number. There was a phone I could use without yen and I put the numbers with the button. I waited for a voice.

"Hello?" A voice could be heard through the phone.

"Hello, I found the dog."

"You did!?"

"Yes, the dog is the same as the dog in the picture."

"That's great! Can we meet at the park? I'll give you the reward money there if you don't mind."

"The park?"

"Yeah, the place with a buncha green stuff? Go there after this phone call, I'm coming right over."


"Good good, can I know what you look like? I'm a tall guy with black hair."

"I have white hair and red eyes."

"Oh, it's rare to see white haired people, I'll spot you right away! I'm coming over!"


I did what I was told and waited for a tall human guy with black hair. The dog was moving around my arms alot so I placed it down, it played and bit me as I waited.

"Chuck?" A familiar called out after awhile.

The dog heard and ran over to him, he fit the description. He greeted the dog and then turned to me.

"Thanks for findin Chuck." He said walking over to me with the dog in hand. "My lil bro was non stop cryin when this little rascal ran off."

"Your welcome."

"Anyways, here's the reward."

"Thank you."

"I haven't seen you around before. You just moved here?"

"...I guess."

"Thought so, your red flaming eyes are very unique, pretty cool lookin."


"How do you do that? Is that something you're born with?"

"I think so."

"Anyways, thanks again for findin Chuck. See ya!"

He walked away while waving to me, I waved back as I watched. I looked at my reward and it was alot, I think. He must really love that dog.

I found a place that gives food for yen, got some for father and went back home. I opened the door and Taka ran up to me.

"Welcome back big brother!"

"Hello Taka."

"What do you have in your hands?"

"Food for father, he isn't eating."

"I noticed him doing that too but when I ask him, he always tells me he will eat later."

"...I don't think father does."

"I'll go ask him!"

Taka ran away to ask father, I put the food where they eat food and followed Taka.

"Papa!" Taka knocked on the door.

"What is it son?" Father opened the door.

"Have you been eating?"

"Erm, I have. Don't worry son."

"Then why don't I see you eat?"

"I eat when you're not looking."

"Why do you eat when I'm looking?"


"Papa...you aren't eating..."

"Taka, don't worry about me too much okay? I'm fine, you should only worry about the important things."

"But you're important to me papa!"

"Worry about things more important than me!"

"Father, please eat."

I joined in the talking, father looked over to me a little before looking away.

"Like what Kiyondo says!" Taka said.

"But...we don't...erm."

"I brought food father."

"Yeah Kiyondo brought food!"


Father walked to the eating table and saw the food, he looked back at me and looked away again.

"I guess Hiroko brought these..." Father said quietly under his breath, Taka couldn't hear him. "Okay, it's almost time for dinner, let me make dinner."

"Please eat at dinner too papa!" Taka said.

"I will, don't worry." Father gave a small smile.

Father made dinner, he ate this time. He ate less than Taka but he ate. I wonder what food taste like, all I've had were the things in the dark pathway. I want to try food but I'm not family yet. I'll wait until father sees me as family.

Father put Taka to bed and left to the place again. I didn't want to sleep, I didn't want to feel small and hear the strange.

I wonder what father does in that place?

I walked to the place after sitting in the dark for a long time, I opened the door. Father had hes head on the table with hes eyes closed, he seemed to be sleeping. Father isn't sleeping like Taka, the light is still on and he has no blanket. I turned off the lights and tried to find a blanket, the thing like a blanket I found is father's coat, I put the coat on him.

Sleep well father.

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