|Part 13|: Spooky Season

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It's fall, the once green leaves were now different shades of bronze and fallen on the ground. I've seen it before but now I can see them more clearly. It's also more cold now despite the place having warm colors like the orange of the pumpkins slowly showing up. They have carved faces with different expressions, most of them have the same face though, triangle eyes with teeth like smiles.

People also use these pumpkins for food, like pies and drinks. I have never tried pumpkin before, I wonder how it tastes.

People are also people putting decorations to their houses, mostly of spooky things. Spiders, cobwebs, skeletons,...things that make humans scared. Our house also started decorating, we went simple just to make it fit in more.

I wonder why they're doing this?

"It's halloween!" Taka said excitedly jumping up and down.

"Halloween?" I asked.

"Yes! Halloween!"

"What is it?"

"It's when you dress up as different spooky scary things and go trick or treating! Which means we get alot of candy!"

"Oh, I see."

"Hey Kiyoyo!" Hiro joined in. "There's a halloween party being held at the school gym! You wanna join?"

"Party? But...I don't know what to dress up as..."

"That's okay! We still have...3 days until halloween! You have plenty of time to figure something out!"

"What are you dressing up as?"

"Well, to be honest, I'm not coming. Halloween kinda freaks me out..."

"Then what will you do on Halloween?"

"I'm making sure Taka is safe while trick or treating."

"What about you Taka?"

"I'm going to be a weredog! I like dogs more than wolves!"


"It's a human that turns into a half human half dog on a full moon! They usually have hair all over their body but I just want dog ears and a tail!"


I look like an older version of Taka, maybe I should be an old weredog? I am...not human so maybe I can have some fun with my costume?

Yeah, I would like that.

I spent the days before Halloween thinking about how I will look, I also watched mother help Taka with his costume. Notable parts of it were the big fluffy coat and dog ears and a tail. If I was going to be a weredog I should have ears and a tail too, do they have to be fluffy? I don't think it's needed.

After some time, I figured out a costume. A demon weredog! There's also a dog breed called hellhound and the name sounds cool so that's what my costume name is, hellhound.

The costume, well, more like me just changing my form consists of a simple white button up that was slightly opened revealing spiky bones, black suit pants with my beloved boots, the sleeves were rolled up halfway to show my now fading black arms with sharp spiky claws, my head was now a dog skull with sharp canines and horns, animal bones don't have ears so there isn't any on my head, I can have a boney tail though. I thought I would use the flames in my eyes to good use by moving them so the flames would come out of the ear holes and through the gaps of the teeth, the bulk of it still comes out of my eyes though. Looking in the mirror, I looked very scary, maybe too scary.

I went over board but I had fun.

If it's too scary then I can easily change it.

I went out to show my brothers, Hiro screamed once he saw me but stopped and apologized once he realized it was me, Taka was gawking at me in awe, he really likes my costume.

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