|Part 10|: Detention

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I continued going to school and learn all of the subjects, I was able to understand them quickly despite being semi illiterate months ago. I still have trouble with subjects like math and literature but they seemed to be difficult to most of the other students too so I have average smartness.

I haven't run into the bullies I met on the first day, I have seen them from afar but never interacted with them. Other than the bite on the first day, I have never broken the rules. I do my best to follow them and eventually I was the only one to not get into trouble in my class, most of the other students usually get into trouble for being late for class or running in the halls.

The teachers had taken notice and they seemed to appreciate my good record, they were still abit alarmed by my eyes but they were happy that I was a good student. Word got around the faculty until I got called into the counselor's office.

When I first heard about it, I thought I had gotten into trouble, maybe the bully I bit finally told them? I was quite stressed as I walked to the counselor's office after class, I didn't know what to expect when I opened the door.

"Ah, Ishimaru, have a seat." The counselor said motioning to the seat infront of him.

"What do need me for Mr?" I said as I did what I was told.

"Your teachers have been talking about you, I'm very proud that you have been following the rules ever since you first enrolled. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Thank you sir."

"Because of your good behaviour, I want make a proposal."


"There isn't a hall moinitor in your grade yet and we have been looking for one, you are the perfect candidate for that job."

"What do I do as a hall monitor sir?"

"It's similiar to your father's job, except instead of sending criminals to prison you send misbehaving students into detention. You can learn more here." He slipped me a piece of paper. "Will you take the responsibility? You don't have to if you don't want to, being a hall monitor can be unappreciated work."

"I'll think about it sir, thank you for the oppotunity."

"I'll be awaiting your answer, please take your time. And also, if you do accept it, keep an eye on Daiya Owada, people have noticed him spending time with you. He hasn't cause much trouble for being a gang leader but you should keep him in order."

"I will keep an eye on him sir."

I walked out of the office holding the paper he had given me, there was quite alot of things to do in being a hall monitor. It was a bit complicated but I managed to understand them in the end.

Sending criminals to prison...that is what father does. If a gang is illegal, then Daiya is a criminal. What is prison? I visited the detention room and it just looks like another classroom, I don't think prison and detention would look similiar.

From what I have read, when a student first gets into trouble then they get a warning, if they kept breaking the rules until their warnings were at three, then they get detention for a short time and that time increases if they're a repeating offender. If a student break a rule that is very serious, then they get detention immediately whether or not this is their first time. If a student has kept on breaking the rules despite many warnings then they will get expelled, they also get expelled if they do something extremely horrible.

That's what I understand.

Being a hall monitor is apparently hard work and isn't very appealing, even so, I kinda want to take this job. It's similiar or semi similiar to what my father does, if I take this job then I can understand him more. I know it won't be exactly the same but I can still understand him that way. I may not get any perks from it but I don't really care about advantages.

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