|Part 8|: First Friend

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Taka made a new friend, he said he was invited to play with him and his friends at the local playground and he wanted me to bring him there. I'm happy he finally has a friend so I took him there.

We got to the playground, it has alot of playground stuff like slides, swings, merry go rounds,... There were benches around so guardians can watch their kids. Taka excitedly looked around for his friend.

"Taka!" A child's voice called out.

"Mondo!" Taka ran up to the child.

"I'm happy to see you!"

"I'm happy too!"

They seem to like eachother alot, that's good. The kid's name is Mondo, behind Taka's first friend is-

"Oh hey! We just keep runnin into eachother!"

It's Daiya!

Mondo is Daiya's little brother he briefly talked about when I found Chuck. Speaking of Chuck, Daiya was holding him. He let the dog down once he got close enough and the dog ran to me.

I crouched down to pet Chuck, it started biting me but I didn't mind. Chuck is cute.

"Let's go play Taka!" Mondo said holding Taka's hand, dragging him to the playground.

"Yeah let's go!" Taka followed and so did Chuck after it was done biting me.

Me and Daiya watched them run to the playground, we both sat down at a bench as we watch them play. They seemed to be having fun.

"So." Daiya started. "Our little bros became friends on the first day of school."

"Yes they did."

"When I picked up Mondo, he was gushing about Taka, I thought the lil lad had a crush from how much he talked about him!"

"Taka talked about Mondo alot too."

"They really hit it off huh? Kinda weird since I didn't think he would become friends with someone like Taka. Your lil bro is a rule follower right? Well, Mondo is kinda the opposite. Kid's got alot of energy and gets in trouble all the time."


"Mondo is a really rambunctious little man, getting himself hurt from climbin trees and stuff. Oh shit he's climbing up the slide now."


"Aaaand...he fell, luckily not too hard."

"Shouldn't you do something about that?"

"I did multiple times but he keeps doin it anyways! Now I only intervene if he could get dangerously hurt. He's still a kid, I'll let him have his fun while it lasts. Maybe Taka can prevent him from bein an idiot if they stay friends."

"I hope so."

Daiya is...really talkative.

I feel like I'm not contributing in the talking enough, I'm boring to talk to aren't I?

I need to practise more.

Overtime, two more kids came with their family member, one with brown hair and one with red hair. They started playing with eachother when they arrived. The red one's family member left but the brown one's stayed, which was a man with glasses, I assume that is the kid's father. He seems nice.

I sat silently with Daiya for awhile, I don't have many interesting things to talk about. I only have one question I want to ask him.

I want to ask him.

But I can't?

Why can't I?

It shouldn't be that hard to ask.

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