|Part 7|: School

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(Warning: Vebal Bullying, Blood)

It's a new year, Taka is starting second grade and Hiro is in high school. I can now go to school too, which I'm glad I could, there's still things I don't undertstand. I'm too big for Taka's school, so I will attend Hiro's school.

Mother had already enrolled me and the family spent the few weeks before school to get ready, one of the things needed was a new uniform.

The uniform was a white button up, a red tie, a brown over coat and brown pants. The shoes are customizable so I wore my usual boots, I like my boots.

The day before school, I had prepared all my things for school. Books, notebooks, pens, pencils,...all of them put into my book bag which was from my father when he went to school, it was kept in good condition after all these years.

The day before school is also Taka's birthday, we had a small celebration for it. Taka hadn't made any friends unfortunately but he enjoyed celebrating with just his family. Hopefully he'll make new friends in second grade.

Tomorrow came and school starts at 7:00, the same time as Taka's. I woke up early and got ready. Hiro was still sleeping so Taka had to shook him awake.

After getting Taka to school, Hiro walked me to his school. The path to my new school was one I haven't been on before, seeing all of the new things were a nice experience. I wish I could spend more time looking around but I can't be late on my first day of school. 

Maybe at another time...

It didn't take long to get there, Hiro showed me around. The school is big, there were many students in the same uniform, except the girls had brown skirts and different socks. Some people noticed me because of my eyes, they started whispering after they saw me.

I feel uncomfy...are they judging me? I wish I could change my eyes to advoid attention but no matter how I change my eyes will always have flames coming out of them.

I kinda wished I didn't go to school.

Then I saw someone I've seen before.

It was the human that I met when I found his dog.

I didn't know he attended this school.

He noticed me and waved at me with a smile, he remembered me?

He was with a few people who seemed to be his friends?

Atleast I know someone.

Hiro showed me around the school some more before class starts, I chose a seat and waited for the teacher. Students started coming in and...

The human I know also came in.

He's in the same class as me.

He waved at me with a smile again before he took his seat.

His presense is comforting...

Class was...normal. On the first day we didn't learn much, the teacher told us the rules and such. Rules are important, if I don't follow them I will get in trouble, my father will be sad if I get in trouble so I will follow them. I noticed Hiro almost fell asleep in class, I need to make sure he sleeps earlier at night.

The teacher also mentioned my eyes, I wish I could turn off the flames, they're such a distraction...

When class ends, lunch time is next and after lunch time is more class before we go home. Mother made bentos for both of us, which is what most people eat at lunch. Most people also eat at the cafeteria but Hiro wanted to show me another place.

The place is the school courtyard, he says that he likes eating here because it's calming and we can look at the flowers and greenery. I like the courtyard, it's pretty. I see why Hiro likes it.

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