|Part 2|: Homework

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Today is weekend, if I read the paper thing on the wall correctly. Taka said that is a calender and it tells the date.

Father is in the other place, Taka says it is working.


I feel like I should stop refering to humans as it.

What do I call father other than it?

Taka once refered to me as he.

I think I should use he for Taka and father.

Yes, that sounds right.

I will use he from now on.

Taka is doing homework. He is at a thing called desk. He does homework for school, he says school is where you learn. I should go to school so I can learn more about humans. Taka says I can't go to he's school, he says I'm too old for it.

Is there a school for me?

The homework Taka is doing is drawing, drawing hes family.

"Big brother!" Taka said. "How do you think the drawing is going?"

"It's good." I answered. I don't know art but I can still tell who is who.

"I wish I can add mama...but that's okay! I have a big brother!"

"What is mama like?"

"She's nice and caring! I wish she could be around longer..."


Taka used hes color sticks and put it on the paper, the color from the sticks came onto the paper. He used some black sticks to write out words over each human he drew.



'Big Brother'

Those are the word he wrote, I think.

Taka should teach me how to read, he's smarter than me.

"I'm done!" Taka said holding up the paper with a smile. "Let's show it to papa!"

I followed Taka as he used his tiny legs to walk to father, he knocked on the door and waited. The door opened.

"Hm? What do need Taka?" Father said crouching down to Taka's level, he looked at me for a moment.

"I drew the family for homework!" Taka said showing the paper as father took it.

"Aw, that's nice Taka!" Father said patting Taka's head. "Let's see...theres papa, you and..."

"Big brother!"


That expression again, I still don't know if it's bad or good.

"Taka..." Father said. "Kiyondo...um."

"Kiyondo is what papa?" Taka asked.

"You see...Kiyondo is...not family."

"What do you mean?"

"I know you see him as a big brother...but he isn't actually your brother."

"But...Kiyondo is family..."

"He is but...um, nevermind. This is still a nice drawing son. Good job. I'll hang it on the fridge after the teacher graded it.



Him, that's new word.

I should use it too.

I watched Taka and father througout the day, when it was time for dinner, father didn't have food again. Where is hes food?

Maybe if I get food, father will consider me family. He must be hungry after no food.

Father put Taka to sleep and went to the place again. I sat near where Taka is laying and closed my eyes.


*Beep beep beep*

What is that noise?

I don't like that noise.

Where am I?

Everything is dark.

I hear crying.

It's not Taka.

Who is crying?

I feel small.

Why do I feel small?


I feel someone tugging on me.

"Big brother...big brother Kiyondo..." Taka was tugging on me when I opened my eyes.

"What is wrong?" I asked, he seemed sad.

"I had a nightmare...can I have a hug?"


"And can you sleep with me? Sleeping on the floor isn't good for your back..."


I hugged Taka and sat on the bed, laying down like he had done. The bed is small for me but it's comfy. I like the bed.

"Big brother. I don't know why papa doesn't think you are family..."

"I don't know too."

"I hope he accepts you soon! You are a great big brother!"

"I am?"

"Yes! You are a great big brother!"


Taka fell asleep in my arms, it was nice hugging him. I can protect him better when I'm holding him.

How can I make father accept me?

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